Callum paused as he listened to the GM. "Fabrics of the universe....right" He did't really know what he meant by that, which was probably the point. There was nothing to prepare him for the speed of the GM catching him the ground. Callum flinched as the GM roared at him, a brief second before Callum started to laugh manically. "Sorry....sorry....Fabrics of the universe, your trying to tell me this has something to do with the fabrics of the universe? You can see the fricking FABRICS OF THE UNIVERSE and the thing you do is stick people in to a roleplaying site. Even if you made some new world's or whatever. You need to think about your life" Callum took in a deep breath of air, "Also your breath smells...and...You know that move Bounce in pokemon? I think rapidash can use it. It doesn't make sense, so just the pokemon just suddenly bounce extremely high in the air, I mean?...sheesh, they would just end up as smush....weird am I right? Heh....yeah....oh, and um...teleport" Suddenly the two of them found themselves absurdly in the air. And like a cartoon, they seemed to both stand in the air for a while. "I immediately regret this decision" Callum sighed before screaming at the top of his lungs as they both began to plummet.