Shepard bristled in reaction to Sheogorath's questions. Give her guns away? This man certainly lived up to his title! She glanced to the newcomer, determined that he wasn't a threat, and with a clipped, militaristic edge to her voice, she quickly replied to Sheogorath's questions. "I'm Commander Shepard of the SSV Normandy, N7 operative of the Alliance fleet, and Spectre. I'm wearing armor, thank you, and it's currently the year 2183 where I'm from. And these - " She hefted her beloved assault rifle in her hands - "are absolutely [i]not[/i] 'toys'. Under no circumstances can you have them." Her gaze shifted again to the other man. His hair caught her eye, as did the markings on his face. While hair dye and tattoos were more or less commonplace throughout the galaxy, she wasn't sure what the rules were here - wherever that was - and she tried to think of what they could mean about him.