Ezio walked from out of the rift that led him into a strange place that he has never seen before, and it was surprising to him if anything. He took a glance around the area, trying to discover where he was at, and who was here with him. He spotted the odd looking gentleman sitting down near the stone table that was in front of him, as he welcomed them and asked them into having a seat. After being said, Ezio turned his attention to the two other strange figures that stood as well, surprised at who (or what) they were. At least Ezio knew one thing he was sure of, and that was he is definitely not in Rome anymore. Ezio then turned his attention to the reactions of the other beings that stood before him, just as shocked and confused as he was. Once the man of the stone table stated his name and giving them the idea that they were [b]somewhere[/b], he asked the armored looking woman about her weapon she was grabbing for. Once she stated who she was and where she was from, Ezio waited until she stopped speaking so that he may ask a thing or two before things get rough. “Questo sono confuso”, stated Ezio in Italian, meaning he was confused. “What is the meaning of all this?”