“Hey! Hey! Hey guys!” a female voice called down from further down the hallway as what appeared to be one of the tribal women appeared in the doorway of the girls’ little chamber, clearly having just ran over there as the woman’s exhausted panting would suggest. “Holy shit guys… we got a… we… there’s a… hold on….” she paused to catch her breath, leaning on the edge of the chamber’s opening. The woman may have appeared to be a tribe member, though her black, leather-esque clothing didn’t [i]perfectly[/i] match the skins that the other women wore, though it was a close approximation in terms of design. Additionally, her long black hair hung behind her in a braided ponytail, though it seemed most women in the area had their hair cut shorter. “Listen,” she spoke up once she finished breathing, looking towards Books and Rae. “Are you aware, that there’s, like, this big monster thing, out there,” she rambled, pointing vaguely down the hallway. “And I’m not totally sure if it’s supposed to be here, and-” she cut herself off as her eyes landed on Gwazi. “…Oh, well hi there.” she said to him. Then, she narrowed her eyes, looking at him more closely. “…Must’ve been easier to sneak in here than I thought.”