There’s a way out -The Doctor picks up signal from a dying planet. When he arrives he finds OC who is looking for a way to escape but thinks their chances of escape is low. The Doctor offers a way out. While OC is upset at the loss of their planet and people. The Doctor tries to comfort them as he knows what its like. The Doctor had been traveling through time and space. It was always so thrilling to him. But sometimes he did wish he had somebody to share those adventure’s with again. He wasn’t even sure how long it had been since he had last had company. He knew it must have been awhile because it was starting to get very lonely. He was still always happy to help people when he could. It seemed to make him happy when he could be there to help. Though there was still many times that he wasn’t able to succeed, he knew he couldn’t win every time. But the times where he did fail hurt. He knew there were also things that he could never interfere with. Fixed points were always difficult like that. He wanted to help but couldn’t and sometimes had to watch people suffer. Those times were the hardest. He remembered when some is companions had gotten mad at him for doing nothing. But he knew he would have if he could. But the universe was sometimes cruel, and the time lord sometimes just had to leave things as they were. He knew that he was sometimes begged to save somebody in the worst situations. Like during Pompeii when Donna had literally begged him to save at least somebody. Thinking back to the old adventures with his friends the Doctor sighed. He knew every time was different with whoever he traveled with. He though wondered if he was going to be alone until his next regeneration. It did feel like that sometimes. Though it was the TARDIS picking up a sudden distress call ,that caused the Doctor to get pulled out of his deep thought. He pushed up his black glasses and looked at the screen. The planet that was shown was not one that he had been too, but if there was somebody in need of help, the Doctor was going to go. Pulling one of the levers of the TARDIS, the Doctor grinned and shouted. Being off to some new planet was rather exciting to him. The Doctor wasn’t aware the planet was dying yet. At least not until would get there. All he knew was he had something interesting to do. Something though caused the TARDIS to spin out of control and the ship landed roughly, the Doctor was knocked off his feet and onto the grating of the floor. “What was that for.. ?” hey” He seemed to be muttering to himself “hey.” He goes and checks over his ship to make sure if things are ok. He seemed worried what had caused the TARDIS to spin out of control. Glad that nothing appeared damaged. "I wonder what caused that," The Doctor said to himself. It wasn't comfortable to get knocked off his feet liked that. But he knew that TARDIS didn't mean it, something had caused her to spin out of control. Looking around him, the Doctor set foot outside the TARDIS. He thought the planet around him looked rather interesting. He wanted to go and see what had caused the distress call and how he could help. [i]MMm which way?[/i] the Doctor thought to himself. He was sure that the signal would have come from somewhere, He could tell that not all was well with the planet, he was sure that was maybe what had caused the TARDIS to spin out of control.