"WAaahh! What are you doing!?" Mitonk knew that they had been allies in the third but the degrading of a Gnome of his tools and holding him with no rights against his will it was an act of lunacy in his mind. The shear volume of tools he had was quite impressive by anybody's stand point but the way they just tossed it around was not good. Some of his things were delicate instruments that he used on a regular basis. "Your're stripping me!." He was being treated like a doll the story of his life, he was gonna teach these Night Elves a lesson when he had gotten back he things. But now he felt naked without all of tools and other items that were on his personal being. At least they were kind enough to leave his goggles on he supposed. Several more items fell from Mitonk when he was turned upside down. Glaring at the Shani and Leia as the proceeded to care him as if he were dead weight. "You will pay for what you left behind purple amazons." Mitonk was quite agitated that he was taken as a perpetrator to some sort of crime. It was really quite maddening anymore cause it seemed like Gnomes were getting a bad rap for doing nothing to deserve such a crime. His only hope at the moment was convincing this captain of theirs that he wasn't a threat as Shani and Leia perceived him to be but that was a fading dream in all actual reality. "It's not bravery its called be bold in the face of those that have no manners I have you know. No wonder you're still stuck with bows. Primitive amazons. Join the modern age already you old bags. You'd be amazed at some of the stuff you're missing out on you big purple apes." Mitonk's mouth had gotten him into a few scraps and even though threatening Night Elves wasn't the greatest thing to be doing. It was in his nature to bring out the worst nine times out of ten. "Come on where is the captain of your's amazons I don't have all day here." Still insulting them as ever but he really wanted to get out of this mess. Show them the work order and leave. Oh and make them pay for his losses which would be quite enjoyable.