All right, here's my tentative CS. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Name: Shiroko Age: 16 Job Class: Kunoichi Weapon: Shuriken, kunai, shortbow, metal-plated gloves Clothing: [url=]Sarashi[/url], loose white tunic, arm and leg wraps, tabi boots Height: 4' 10" Appearance: [hider=Picture][img=][/hider] Personality: Shiroko is completely focused when on a mission, ignoring anything unrelated. She tends to stay separate from anyone who is not a ninja or samurai, and rarely understands jokes or informal language. She does have moments where her natural energy shows in social situations, however. History: Shiroko was raised her entire life in an elite ninja village. Life there revolved around training, and the place had a very strict military discipline at all times. The village's soldiers worked as mercenaries throughout Japan, and took different names that reflected their characteristics. Shiroko is the newest addition to their ranks, and was selected for this mission due to her skill and relentless dedication. She takes her current name from her clothing, which has yet to be stained by bloodshed. Strengths: [b]Ghostly Stealth[/b] - Shiroko's ninja training is her primary strength, and allows her to be almost invisible when she needs to. She can hide almost in plain sight. [b]Ninja Weapons[/b] - Shiroko is trained in the use of assassination weapons, and carries a surprising number of them hidden on her person. [b]Survivalist[/b] - Since ninja often operate alone in hostile settings, Shiroko has the knowledge necessary to survive for extended periods without supplies. [b]Infiltrator[/b] - Through a combination of her small size, flexibility, and training, Shiroko can maneuver her way through or over almost any obstacle. Weakness: [b]Isolated[/b] - Having been raised outside society, Shiroko has very little social skill. She tends to think in very literal terms. [b]Raised by Deceivers[/b] - Shiroko is nearly incapable of letting down her guard. She distrusts absolutely everyone to some degree. [b]Tiny[/b] - Simply put, Shiroko cannot take a hit. She is completely outclassed in a fair fight that lasts for more than a few blows. [b]Youthful[/b] - Shiroko has yet to reach her full potential, and is still considered a child by most people. [b]Rigid Training[/b] - Shiroko only knows how to use the weapons she carries. With anything else, she is only as good as the average peasant. Likes: Meditation, training, rivers, friendly competition, mystical creatures Dislikes: Crowds, animals, fire Dream: Prove herself to her village leaders Fear: Fail her mission