Spy had walked out of the spawn door cloaked, only to find that he was no longer in 2Fort. Instead he found himself in..... he had no idea. Perhaps it was one of the Engineer's gadgets gone wrong. In any case, he was not where he should be. He looked around him and saw some old man, a woman with some [i]very[/i] high-tech weapons and armor, and an assassin of some sort, if his white outfit was anything to judge by. The assassin spoke in Italian, that much he could figure out, although it was a bit odd. Was he in Italy? It certainly didn't seem like Italy. Then the old man somehow managed to spawn in cheese of various types. That was peculiar. He didn't think any magicians existed except for Soldier's ex-roommate Merasmus. Fortunately he was still carrying his weapons and watches, so that was of little concern. If need be, all he had to do was leave without anyone ever noticing him there in the first place. However, that was a bad idea, since he had absolutely no information about where he was, and Spy was able to conclude that staying here with these odd folk was probably the best chance of success. he checked to see that his cloak bar on his watch was still full, which it was, and decided to explore the surrounding area while still cloaked.