It was becoming quite evident that unless they played ball to this individual's game, nobody's questions would be answered. Then again, a demon like him had all the time in the world to wait for answers, and nobody was going to miss someone who should have been dead for years. Taking a moment to stare over at the armoured woman who seemed to be armed with odd looking fire arms...then an unidentifies italian man, and even a man wearing some sort of mask, then back at the colourfully dressed older man, Chrno finally let out a sigh before hesitantly pulling out a chair to take a seat. With the conjuration of the cheeses minutes ago, he either ascertained warlock was the least, though infinite other possibilities at the most...but the demon himself wasn't one for starting something. With the abundance of energy, taking on his true form wouldn't likely drain him all that, and if this worse came to worse...he could handle it. At the very least, he could stop the humans from hurting each other, or themselves.