~~~~~~~~ ~Temple~ ~~~~~~~~ The Gloaming Temple was a magnificent place, carved out of the very stone of the mountain it was built upon like the rest of the city. The ceiling was almost as high, if not as high as the throne room. The stone floor was covered in smooth, polished dark stone, obviously not part of the original stonework of the mountain. It was a large semi-circular chamber with several rows of finely crafted stone pews lining the ground floor. Dark purple carpets with golden trim lined the stone floor between them. They were immaculate, obviously the priests took great care in keeping the carpets clean. The second floor, was less richly decorated than the ground floor and was merely a series of stone seats made in a stadium like fashion. It was currently empty, save for Nimue and a couple of guards, one of which currently had a sword pointed right at his neck. [b]"What do you mean you [i]lost[/i] her?"[/b] Nimue sternly asked the guard. [b]"We are the most secure city in all of the realms, and you just [i]lost[/i] her!"[/b] Her tone of voice indicated she was [i]not[/i] happy with the guard for having lost the intruder. Of course, her tone of voice was the last thing on the guards mind. Her sword, which was currently placed against his neck was. His face, however was oddly calm for someone in such a situation. "We are not all knowing, despite our reputation Lady Nixxis. Obviously whoever they were, had some agenda and were well planned."[/b] The guard calmly reasoned, earning him nothing but a snarl from Nimue. The assassin had half a mind to gut the guard then and there for his incompetence, but that wouldn't solve anything. Besides, disciplining the Scath guard was not her place. Still, she would have a word with Alimer. Obviously he wasn't training his men as they should. [b]"Oh, what have we here?"[/b] A feminine voice came from the stone altar, situated at the back of the hall towards where the priests quarters were, and where the massive collection of knowledge they had collected over the years were kept. A female dressed in elaborate black robes sat upon the rectangular altar with a friendly, but oddly unsettling smile upon her face. To most, she would probably have been extremely beautiful, until they noticed her face. Namely, her nearly pitch black eyes which gave her more than a little odd appearance. A little less obvious feature, was that she was blind, at least in the normal sense of the word. She didn't see 'colors' and 'light' rather, than she 'listened' to the shadows. She looked directly at Nimue and the guard, standing up and walking over in quite the suggestive manner.[b]"Cut the poor guy some slack Nimue, and go enjoy your downtime for once."[/b] The woman said to the Assassin. [b]"I know this great little brothel in the merchant quarter. They're really good at what they do, you know."[/b] [b]"Well, you would know since it's your second job, Irisha."[/b] Nimue spat, only getting a mischievous giggle from Irisha in response as she removed her blade from the guards neck, sheathing it. [b]"So hostile as always,"[/b] Irisha replied in a faked hurt tone. [b]"But that ruthlessness is what I like about you."[/b] Irisha moved next to Nimue before she had time to move herself, throwing an arm over one of Nimue's shoulders. [b]"Such a shame you're always so busy...putting you in your place would be quite...fun."[/b] The High Priestess continued in a low, provocative voice. This merely earned her a shove from Nimue, pushing her off of her. [b]"Aww, you're always so mean to me Nimmy dear! Why can't you be nicer to me like Tyzi!"[/b] Irisha jokingly whined in response. [b]"We're done here."[/b] Nimue said to the gathered guards, brushing off the area Irisha had touched as if she was washing away some deadly disease. The blue haired Valerian made her way towards the exit of the Temple, ignoring Irisha as she did so with the guards she had bought following shortly after. [b]"We're going to search the city. If you find her, capture her and make sure she's brought back [i]alive[/i]. I'l interrogate this intruder myself."[/b] Irisha simply watched Nimue leave with a slightly bored sigh. She had been hoping she would get to have a bit of fun with Nimue, ah well. She'd entertain herself with some prisoners. ~~~~~~~~~ ~TYZITLA~ ~~~~~~~~~ The Shadow God sat upon his throne, quiet. Some would mistake him for being asleep. However, instead he was simply scouring the worlds shadows for information. The search of which was proving to be somewhat fruitful. He heard Arguis speaking to what he assumed to be Kun about some alliance, which was cut off before he could hear the reply. He saw Tyrithe and the goddess of Order, Esra speaking. About what, he didn't know as the shadows were quite difficult to get a clear picture of everything. Often times, he only saw brief visions or words. Thankfully, he was smart enough to be able to piece together what little information was actually gained, usually. However, one Goddess, Kaba seemed to just be enjoying her time alone in her forest. Perhaps he shouldn't interfere, but he was growing bored, sitting here upon his throne every day just tending to his every day duties. Perhaps, meeting with another of the gods would be entertaining, to say the least. [b]"You there,"[/b] Tyzitla spoke, the guard at the end of the hallway didn't reply, but he didn't need to. [b]"Inform Nixxis when she returns that I have gone to meet with another of the gods."[/b] The knight gave a small bow, acknowledging his task before returning to his normal stone faced posture. With that, shadows began to wrap around Tyzitla, drawing him into the shadows. In an instant he was gone. ~~~~~~~~ ~Greipur~ ~~~~~~~~ The shadows in a part of the forest began to writhe with cold fury as they reached up, taking the shape the god of shadows. It had been awhile since he was last in Greipur. In fact, it had been awhile since he had left his Palace and Citadel at all. Perhaps he should drop by the other gods, simply to see how much they have changed and if any of them posed a threat to him. Well, that was a stupid question. All of them, potentially posed a threat to him. Kaba would likely not like him suddenly popping up like this, but it was the quickest way of travel to him, and it allowed him to move without being noticed, more or less. Tyzitla looked about the area he had appeared in. The forest was as...beautiful as ever, as some would say. The forest was lush with plant life, quite different from the cold mountain that his people called home. He much preferred the cold stone hallways and deep shadows of the mountains, but he supposed he could understand why someone would prefer this...green foliage. Tyzitla simply waited. Kaba would likely know he was here, or at least there was a disturbance quite soon after he arrived. All he would have to do was wait, and she would come to him, most likely.