[b]Firewombat[/b], Ajani is accepted! I like how you added a bit to the Calva lore. I left some stuff with just a foundation so that players would feel okay building on it, and I'm glad you felt comfortable building. I like it! Your "Others" made me laugh. I suppose someone could create something similar to a laser pointer using magic, but the tech doesn't really exist in this world. Even so, I like her! Excited to have her! [b]Beckett[/b], I agree that a wide range of characters would be the most interesting, so I hope to continue seeing variety in the characters and classes as we get more people. Also, I would love your assistance. I'm terrible at map making. [b]Rosalind[/b], looking forward to seeing the finished product! [b]Nemaisare[/b], I feel like I didn't answer quickly at all, but I had to work late last night and early this morning, so I answered as soon as I was able! I actually really love the idea of there being different languages. I imagine the Calva have as many as they have tribes in much the same way that Native Americans in our world do. The Edhil probably have two or three closely related/slightly interchangeable ones though they'll likely have a common-Edhil tongue that is used on the main island. I see the Nogyth having three though there are similarities in the same way that Mexico-Spanish and Spain-Spanish have some subtle differences but they're the same language. The Uialien only have one language, and I envisioned it as being a sort of sing-song sort of sound, but the pronunciation between the Seelie and Unseelie on some words probably varies a little. I think the common tongue would have come out of Eriston back when things were pretty peaceful. There's probably like... one main language there with several offshoots the way that English, French, and Spanish all stemmed from Latin and how there are even more languages stemming from those. I realize I forgot to answer one of your questions as thoroughly as I intended. I imagined that the Edhil Resistance would make it known that they want to seek the Bracelet of Lim, and people can apply to become members of the party. The Edhil Council would then choose people to be members. This includes mercenaries. There's the promise of pay because the group needs to be rewarded in the event that their quest is successful, so that's definite incentive for a lot of people. The people within the party need to be skilled at what they know/do, and they need to be at least a little expendable. Nieri can't bear children because of her mixed-Uialie heritage, and she's already spent the last few decades giving information about the Uialien culture to Edhil scholars in order to preserve the information and to make sure that should she be lost, it won't be. Any other Uialien within the party will be protected with her life, but anyone choosing a Uialie character needs to decide why they're either expendable or a way to convince the council to let them join the party anyway. That could be by choosing not to have children at all (Not everyone wants kids, and not everyone will want to interbreed to get them, and not all of them will be willing to even mate with their own kind), by having knowledge about the quest that they need to be there to deliver, or through any other means you can think of. Having Nieri as a guaranteed protector will help sway them slightly, but having something more will be helpful. It's up to you what you want to come up with; the option I provided are just a few that I thought of off hand.