Eira, or Aure as she goes by in this realm, was walking the streets, watching her kin roam the streets in both fae and human form. It was odd to see so many of her kind in a single place within the mortal realm but she didn't question it too much. It was nice to be with her own kind again after her self-imposed exile. She walked past a summer fae on a violin and tossed a couple coins into the case before moving on. She browsed a couple stalls before the feeling of someone watching her developed fully, and she turned around to find [i]him[/i]. "You shouldn't be here." Eira said, turning to walk away before he grabbed her arm and herded her between two stalls. She glared at him but she didn't fight him, he wouldn't hurt her, she wouldn't let him. Even all these years in exile, she knew how to defend herself, especially in a place this populated with her kind. "It's time for you to come home Eira. We've let you have your space, hoping you'd come to your senses but this has gone on long enough." Cadmon, her twin brother and the primary reason she left her family for the human realm, was trying to intimidate her, but it really wasn't working. She glared up at him and drew her dagger she had on her hip, holding it up to him. "There was a very good reason I left, and that reason still hasn't gone away. Leave me along Cadmon, I will not help you." Eira said, advancing so he'd back up. She was in no mood for him right now, she just wanted to have a nice day before all the summer fae took over. "This will not go away because you want it to Eira. Your place is at the front lines, not hiding in the mortal realm." Cadmon warned her before she walked away from him.