Eeee! All of the explanations! And cool. I enjoy it when separate nations have separate languages. Both because it can be fun to play with miscommunications and idioms as well as because it just seems more realistic. Of course, the trade off is it can then be difficult to have people that fully understand each other. Trader's tongue ftw! :P I really like the thought you put into that. Also, oooh, allright, that makes sense now. I was a little confused with how they were all getting together, and what the extremely recent backstory for that would wind up being. making up a party makes sense. I can work with this. Yissyissyiss. :D I've still got three ideas I've got to choose between. I'm terrible about making a decision right at the start. Soooo... Which d'you think'd be a better notion? I've got an older Uialie fellow, a Sairuvar, rescued from the Fatanen, but whose time spent there diminished him enough that he's wasting away. The age would give him wisdom and ability, possibly some extra knowledge that might be helpful, and the dying would make him more expendable, though also possibly a liability, unless he only used it as leverage to go along and no one in the party knows about it. I could also, potentially make him a Nogoth instead of an Uialie. The sentiment would be similar. Or a Calva based off the hoatzin who traded with outsiders for his tribe and then got turned into a slave when he overstepped his boundaries by being a little too curious. He'd probably be a Nestad. Thus, useful for keeping people alive, and good at being impartial and defusing situations, and at knowing different areas.