Chrome looked around fearfully, wondering where she was. [i]Is this some kind of illusion?[/i] she asked to herself, but a deep voice spoke on her head. [i]Kufufu, [/i] the voice laughed. [i]It should be, my dear Chrome, but I also feel it as also some kind of reality. I'm...not sure.[/i] This time, Chrome was on her guard. For Mukuro not to be sure, it might be very powerful. Mukuro's melodious voice spoke again in her head. [i]Oh well, we're not in a hurry, are we? For now let's observe,[/i] the voice commanded, then finally leaving her with his creepy "Kufufufu..." laugh. In her head. Again. Of course, the only thing Chrome could say was "As you wish, Mukuro-sama" loyally. She clutched her bag tightly and stared at the people around her.