[quote=Mad Scarlet] Fawn walked straight into Eira on her way to the music stall of the festival, carrying books of music, a guitar and violin on her back, and multiple other items such as tuners. The moment that she made contact with the other woman, she dropped a good portion of it. Had she been a bystander, it may have been rather comical, but alas, it wasn't and there were sheets of music being carried away by the breeze. "Ah! No!" She gasped in panic as she grabbed a couple of them before they flew into the gale. The moment that she felt like she had regained enough of her things, she looked to the woman, "I am so sorry!" She set a good portion of the things down and reached out to help the young woman up. That's when she sensed it. She knew this immediately by coming into close enough contact with her. She nearly took her hand back, but knew that whether or not this girl was of her kin or Summer, she still had an appearance that she had to keep up if she wanted to continue living in this part of the mortal realm. Whether this woman was smart enough to notice that she was also a Fey, too, was up to her. "I-I've been rather clumsy as of late and I most definitely wasn't watching where I was going!" She said quickly, her mind only partially on the task at hand and the other half was hoping that she would take her hand long enough that she could discern what type of Fey that she was. [/quote] Eira managed to grab a few of the papers that were on the ground before they blew away with her left hand as she slid her blade into its sheath with her right hand. How clumsy could Eira be, she didn't know. She felt terrible, if she hadn't been storming away in a huff, then she wouldn't have practically ran this girl over. A girl, which Eira confirmed as she accepted her hand and stood up, who was a winter Fae like her. It wasn't all that noticeable, with the red hair, but the eyes were a dead giveaway. There aren't to many summer Fae with eyes like that. Eira held onto her hand just long enough to make sure that the girl knew she wasn't a threat before handing her the papers. "It is okay cousin, I wasn't watching where I was going either. I'm just sorry some of your music escaped. Are you okay?" Eira asked the girl, since Eira did have her blade out when she ran into her, she hoped she didn't scratch this girl. "I'm Eira by the way, I haven't seen you around here before, and usually I notice my kin who passes through." Eira was curious to know how she missed someone, although the answer wasn't all that surprising in her own mind. Her immediate family had been asking her back for the last couple, and she was rather tired of it. It would make sense that she would be slipping now on who was coming into town.