Once the confirmation of the invisible guest was said and done by the old man, another unfamiliar character approached into the area to join. From the looks of it, it was another female, but for some reason she was wearing an eye patch on her right eye. Wonder why? Ezio then turned his attention to everyone standing in the area with, and just like him, merely puzzled and confused. He knew basically that none of them really had a choice in the matter, and the only thing they could do is play along and participate in this weird and unstable matter. But the bigger question was [i]would they[/i]? Ezio looked at them and awaited for a hint of movement, seeing to whom would sit and join in on the [i][b]all-you-can-eat extravaganza[/b][/i]. He would probably have to do so first, but until then he waited to see if anyone else was willing to do so.