. --- [center]16-02-1701 -o- T H E T A T L E R -o- 8 Metàux --- -oO Your necessary gossip thrice a week Oo- - Tuesday 16, February 02, God's year 1701 - [/center] [hider=Pages one to three][Indent][b][u]A New World![/u][/b][/indent] Unbelievable news are coming in these last days from the royal bulletins. What just few days ago were only considered sprawling and deceiving rumors of a New World, appearing from the misty seas of the East like an hidden paradise - or inferno -, have been finally confirmed by the government. The royal cartographers have revealed after their last voiage in these unknown waters of having been able of successfully mapping out great part of the outer coastes of this new continent. We remind to our public, thanks to the note of professor Hirving, that this continent was the one Mrs Elizabeth, authoress of 'Dusty voyage', hypothesized as set of her novel. Many are still marvelling on how she could guess such a discovery, however, as in the issue of the 2/08/1696, we reported her exact words on the matter: [indent][i] […]Virginia isn't actually an 'existing' continent, but it is a realistic representation of what might lay farther than any ship has every veiled to. Of course, in such an, how unfortunately, improbable happening, in case of the discovery of such continent, I'm not expecting fairies, dragons and elves. It would be silly, ever for such a fantasious authoress as me.[…] [/i][/indent] After some initial doubts on the matter, her Majesty successfully convinced the parliment, even in so sad moments of sorrow for our people, to start a colonization process. Those interested in this matters, would surely find interesting both 'Page seven and eight - Colonization Manifesto' and 'Page six to eight - Black Flags: pirates?'. Our issue today also presents some unique testimonials of sailors who actually witnessed to the discovery of the new world[...] [indent][i]Expeditions funded by the Company of Eastern Virginia, on royal account.[/i][/indent] [img=http://i.imgur.com/ujhzWAd.png] [/hider] [hider=Pages four and five][Indent][b][u]Corustaria Plotting[/u][/b][/indent] [indent]L'avasè corustar hatcherì - Here corustian hatches[/indent] Folk wisdom is usually correct on many matters. But what about our neighbours? Are they really the libelous people tradition pass on? In the last few days angry letters sent by our readers on the western coast - the nearer to Corustaria - report the unusual docking of ships coming from that island, full of whatever sort of preachers and instigators of riots. On whether the clergy position is right or not, we are not discussing here, though most of you may be interested on this matter (for more informations read the 'Pages nine and ten - Her Majesty's letter to Iria', and the 'Reporter's life'); still, as it has arrived to our redaction ears, these salty dandies have arrived to our Queendom proclaming the - most probably hypothetical - support to our people; and that - listen closely - by asking us to give them the 'deeds' of lands, if we seek refuge. Now, many of you would probably wonder what is a 'deed'. Not many know that in other states - like Corustaria, for example - the land is actually 'possessed' by the individual, where is granted the total sovereignty over that piece fo ground to an individual: this way, by divinding the whole country in many different and smaller factions, the state ceases its practical existence, becoming each one owner king of himself. The population of the west coast, where the fights have yet to arrive, is vehemently rejecting these revolutionary ideas, as well as the option of leaving the country. Moreover, the farmers who have written to us, the least touched by the civil unrest, with the latest donation of the parliment, and the new profit prospects from a possible adventurer carrier in the New world - or Virginia as many are starting to call it -, have very little interest in moving into a 'foreign and greedy country, which appears like a black volture at the first sign of trouble', quoting their exact words. [...] Our redaction cannot refrain itself from suggesting everyone to forget these wearers of trouble, and if things look so grim to force you good people to abandon your native homeland, you may as well join the glorious expeditions that are sealing towards 'Virginia', in seek of greater Fortune. [/hider] [hider=Page six][Indent][b][u]Chaos in the Parliament[/u][/b][/indent] During the last days unclear rumors have been succeeding one another in the roads of the capital: in the latest sessions of the parliament, rising of voices occurred, and the overall atmosphere seemed tense. Though the situation looked grim at first appearance, yesterday's Starry chamber bulletin revealed the reason of the general discomfort during the last two sessions of the parliament. It seems that our representatives have been discussing how to re-organize the economy, and work through this momentary crysis. We reported part of the bulletin in the following extract. [indent][i] The Chamber of Bellflower [...]Our nation cannot afford to be shaken by these controversial clashes between religious parties, nor greedy instigations to those who have lesser than the puppeteers themselves. For such, given for granted the impossible intrusion of this court into matter of God, spirituality [...], we hereby proclaim our intention of pursuing those who violated the minorances, not in the name of God, for such is not our goal, but in name of the law, the citizen rights, the righteousness of this assembly, and the Queen. Those who will actively instigate the revolts of both sides or have already done, will be taken into custody and led to the nearest tribunal, where they will be given a just process. On the other hand, whenever even after this practical stance of the government on their side, the minorances will pursue in their fight against innocent nor interested people, they will experience the same treatment of the extremists, and be considered as such.[/i][/indent] [indent][i] The Starry chamber (synthesis and semplification) [...]With the goal of the optimization and modernization of our state, here, in the legislation number 1701 - 56, we give the following informations, changes, cancellations. Paragraph 1: Farmers, land renters with a territory inferior of 2 acres will recieve a tax relief of the 8% for the time of this civil unrest; however, in case of owners witnessed of rioting and taking part in extremists actions, the law will not be applied. If the person in question is not discovered performing such acts in the time of one month, the law will be applied also for him. Paragraph 2: The amount of import taxes has been heavily reduced. Any importation from now on costs 15% less. Paragraph 3: Wine, pride of our lands, will be from now on allowed to be sold legally in sheer quantities to foreign countries. The starting price will be set lower than its actual value for the time of three days. From then, the price will be left floating based on the laws of economics. Paragraph 4: Cereals and fruit exportations are now 10% cheaper.[/i][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Pages six to eight][Indent][b][u]Black flags: pirates?[/u][/b][/indent] This document is dedicated for those who are interested in a colonist future. Today we confirm with complete assurance the presence of black and anarchic flags being swept in the southern seas of Iria. The identity of those women, proud in their acts of pillaging the trade routes, remains still uncertain, though rumors point to the presence of an high aristocracy member among the ranks of the - likely to be - pirates. The name of this noblewoman is Lady Majora Elye, youngest daughter of the Elye family, one of the most well known for their courage and loyalty to the crown. It is said that [...] On whether this may be an organized series of attacks to damage foreign trade routes leading to the new world, we may even never know, although the kind treatment Irian merchants receive is quite suspicious. We have just to hope these outlaws are going to be captured. [/hider] [hider=Page twenty][Indent][b][u]Today sponsor[/u][/b][/indent] [img=http://www.alabamametalart.com/images/products/Brittas-Tea-Room-Magnolia-Floret-personalized-business-sign-750x537.JPG] Today sponsor is 'Britta's Tearoom', a restoration society that has known in the latest decade an exponential growth, leading to the expansion of the business all through the country. Though the religious minorances have damaged some of their most important coffehouses and tearooms, this society continues manifesting its loyalty to the Queendom, funding partly today's issue. Anyway, it has vehementely accused both sides of the fightings, being supported by great slices of the gentry. [/hider] --- [hider=Letter to the Grand Duke] [indent][i]February 16, year 1701. Dear Honorable Grand Duke Dominas II, I am writing concerning the latest civil unrests that have swept our respective countries. In such tragic times, where madness seems to spread as oil stains, and from great discoveries arise terrible happenings, I wish our two states to be formerly in peace between each other. Though the political situation in your country may not grant us this possibility, I, her Majesty the Queen, and the people of Iria, wish to stipulate a cooperation&trade agreement, to both help and draw together our people. Probably, by interacting with other cultures and customs, it will lead our countries to better times of prosperity and betterness. Moreover, I'll take advantage of this informal letter to communicate to you the formal support of both my political party and of her Majesty to your ambitious project of circumnavigating the globe; if your theories are correct, you will probably unveil new commercial trade-routes that might be of useful for the imminent exploitation of the new world. Mind both honors and charges of this discovery, Grand Duke. Sincerely, Lady Chancellor Haveron [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Letter to the Kaiser] [indent][i]February 16, year 1701. Dear Honorable Kaiser Gabriel Wilhelm the Third, After the latest worsening of foreign situations, we would, accordingly to the constitution amendment 58 -C9, stipulate a cooperation agreement, foreseeing in the future great storms drawing nearer to Aurora. For showing our interest in the agreement, we have already convinced some of our intellectuals to join your court for the time period of years 3, in order to increase our political friendliness. Sincerely, Lady Chancellor Haveron [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Informal Invitation] [indent][i]February 16, year 1701. Dear Hilton, Dark times are approaching our queendom. Lately the walls and the faces of the court are appearing even more colder than usual. For this reason, pardon my briefness, I would like to have you near me, especially in these last days which anticipate my seventeenth birthday. Wish to see you soon, Your childhood friend Kirk [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Letter of a Spy] [indent][i] 16/2 The situation here on Mors and Stercore is degenerating fastly. Stop. Popular masses are gaining power. Stop. Plan is proceeding as settled. Stop. Rose [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Missive of admonishment] [indent][i]February 16, year 1701. Empress Emmeline Wight, I'm conspicuously displeased by the sly tactics someone from your state is using; it is true that our country is experiencing a period of uneasiness, but sending instigators that proclaim Corustaria's support is a serious offence to the government i represent. Given my total inability to enact hostile policies against those people, being them not Irian citizens, nor return back to the source of their preachments, I will hope this situation is going to resolve on its own between the Empire's borders. Lady Chancellor Haveron [/i][/indent][/hider] [hider=Manifesto of Convocation] [indent][i]February 16, year 1701. To the heads of the estremists, and to those of the religious minorances, Today I'm speaking not only as head of the Orphy church, but as head of the Queendom you live in, as mother of everyone of you. This bloodshed is inadmissible, nor by God in his eternal tolerance, nor by me, the State. Following the righteous principles of natural equality and fraternity on which this very nation and religion are based, I must intervene directly to stop this absurd madness. I wish those who formerly lead the fighting parties to present immediately to Aglarphen the reasons and requests of these unfathomable actions. If this manifesto will be ignored, severe conseguences will raise for everyone. Her Majesty Queen Vestfall Orgadron [/i][/indent][/hider]