[quote=Midori] "Anyone want to help me build an anti-bird field emitter?" [/quote] 'Ooh! Pick me!' Able said enthusiastically. On reflection, he didn't know if he could help at all because it sounded complex. But hey, that toolbox looked heavy. 'Let me carry that.' Able said, taking the toolbox from Kimiko. Yeah, it was heavy, but he could deal with it. In all honesty, this was probably all he could do at the moment because he didn't have any other plans. This was probably the best thing to do, even though he didn't know if he would actually help. 'I think we should split up.' One of the others said, one that had been chatting with the girl that had the rabbit doll. 'One group stays with Kimiko and help her build the Anti-Bird Field Emitter, and the rest of us goes and finds who the hell the source is.' That was actually a pretty solid plan, and Able couldn't think of better ones. That said, there were a lot of unknowns, because the plan assumed the source of the seagulls was actually on the boat. Well, it wasn't really Able's concern. He wanted to help Kimiko build an anti bird field generator. 'Where do we start, Kobayashi-san?' Able asked.