Angus stepped down from the carriage and looked about. The marketplace was dusty, as usual, and several banners declared that it was indeed choosing day. The tall lad knew the way to the castle, since he had come here many times before with his father, but decided that a few minutes spent in the town would not be amiss. The sun was bright in the sky, and the first warm breezes of summer blew past his short hair. Sounds of a busy market filled his ears, children calling cheerfully to each other in a game of hide-and-go-seek, an older woman haggling with the baker over his daily loaves, and the creaking wheels of his carriage pulling away. He waved goodbye to the coachman, and felt a mix of elation and hesitancy. This would be the first time he was away from his family, and even though the Baron Redmont was like an uncle to him, Angus would likely be spending much of his time outside of the castle. A knot of strangers by the message board caught his attention, a lady in a green cloak and two foreigners. They looked like they were arguing about something, so Angus left them alone. The baker had finished his haggling, and the woman left with two loaves under an arm. Angus stepped over to the front of the bakery and asked for a sweetroll. He wasn't hungry, but a roll might help ease the gnawing in his stomach.