Legalization: Prohibition No More Let the freedom bells ring! The War on Freedom has finally ended, the year 2020 America’s newly elected President James North has enacted a series of life changing policies in the United States Government one of which ending their decades long war on Drugs. The legalization of Prostitution, all Drugs, Euthanasia, and other life changing policies are taking place. The World as we know it is changing, many countries around the world are wondering whether to follow in America’s foot-steps or end their relationship with soon to be drugged up nation. Organized Crime has taken a huge hit as a result and is struggling to find ways to compensate for their loss of their most lucrative illegal markets, some who don’t agree with the President’s new policy will do anything to undermine it and get prohibition back on track a good bit of those whose jobs were affected by the new policies. Cannabis, MDMA, Opium, Coke, and Psychedelic Stores opening up across the country, Gangs struggling to find ways to regain their loss revenue, the mass job loss coming from people involved in law enforcement and rehabs, it’s a brave new world ladies and gentlemen. So who’s interested? Figured I’d set the main story in New York City, or some other major city. People could play-whoever they want businessman making big bucks in the drug business, Law Enforcement, people against legalization doing everything to stop it, drug addicts, Politicians, criminals falling on hard times, ect, all could work in this story.