Hello all! My name is Heidi, a born and raised Nebraska girl! Go Huskers!! My username is the same as the before the site fiasco occurred but its back {Thank you Mahz!!} and I am looking to pick up a partner or two! I'm pretty laid back person but please bare with me through this interest check. I like to cover all my bases just so that we don’t waste time in the future if we don't work out! Few things I would like to get out there before you go to much further! 1. I am a full time Pre-Vet student (Biochem will be the end of me this semester) that also has 2 part time jobs and a life outside of roleplaying called my boyfriend and roommates. This means that I am a pretty busy person. By no means will I have the time to post everyday and to be honest a reply every week or two is not uncommon either. If it takes me time to get a reply to you please understand that I really am thinking about it. Often, I go to sleep thinking about replies, running different scenarios through my head, etc. Sometimes things just come to me and sometimes they don't, its life! I read through my replies a few times before sending them cause I’m trying to be thorough with my quality! 2. You can only roleplay female? Good for you! I have nothing against it but PLEASE do not tell me that you ‘only roleplay females’. A majority of the time I do roleplay a male so there should be no problem I just don’t like hearing the words “I only play female”. Just a no-go for me! 3. PM over e-mail over a thread. I like to be able to have my stuff more ‘secure’ in a sense. I don’t like my stuff just sitting out on a public forum for people to see. Also, I keep all the replies for a roleplay document on my computer for personal reference. And again, secure from crashing like what we all just experience! Well, now that that’s over! I do my genres early, I’m a busy person and don’t like to waste my time therefore I will not waste yours (: What I don’t do: -Bands -Odd Pairings -Romance centered roleplays -Harry Potter {Love the series, not good at roleplaying} -Animals {A pre-vet major that can’t roleplay animals... the irony!} -Twilight {Self-explanatory} -MxM or FxF {I have no experience with it and don’t feel like I would be able to provide a quality roleplay with it.} -Zombies {never had a true interest in it} My loves: Medieval Fantasy Greek Gods {Not romance based, I need some action in this roleplay.} Vampires Supernatural {not the TV show} Mafia Game of Thrones/Game of Thrones-esque {Reading through the 2nd book currently} *** Feel free to mix n’ match these :) Fandoms Naruto One Piece {Through Endies Lobby Arc) Code Geass {Seen all} Bleach FMA Suggestions? (: Hey! You made it! (: Rules are the basics—spelling, grammer (we’re all humans!), quality over quantity. Here’s where I stray just a tad from the stereotypical… god-moding hehe! If you want to stab my character… stab them… if you want to punch my character… punch them! Be {reasonably} spontaneous! I don’t need to see “So-and-so swung their knife at so-and-so hoping to make a connection". We are all big kids here, I hope, you don’t need my permission to throw a little bit of pizzazz into our roleplay, {***Hint—I am a sucker for plot twists, keep me on my toes because I will do the same for you}. I draw the line at god-moding at amputation and killing of my character(s) without prior approval. My characters go through a hell of a lot and I am not afraid to put them through more. Limits—I love violence. I will use language myself on a reasonable scale, use it as your character needs it. I, personally, fade to black. Should probably touch on this… I consider myself a low-mid advanced roleplayer. I can kick out half a dozen paragraphs of quality for a reply (not counting an intro). What I have figured out that works best is this deal… I will give you what you have given me. Sometime my mind is on point and I can get a longer reply out to you but on the flip side I may be brain fried from 3 exams in a week. No one is perfect! I am willing to work with people that want to grow as a roleplayer also! (And those that will be able to challenge and grow me!) Any other comments/questions/concerns please feel FREE to pass them on to me! Happy lurking! Leave a comment or shoot me a PM.