The commander sighed and looked over his shoulder again, and suddenly he was gone. and Bob was flat on his back, the commander on his chest, and a very fetching purple and green bracelet was around bobs wrist. "This is what we call a Order field inducer, It limits the use of power both upon yourself and upon those around you. You cannot use your powers exept without a direct order from me or the leader of the team at the time, which for now is sloppy over there." he said gesturing to shiro and he then looked at Syra and sighed. grabbing her by the lapells he hauled her upright and shook her down, non to gently and looked at the catnip, drawing his pistol he fired a short burst and within that moment both the Catnip and the glass had returned to whence it had came, resulting in Bob being stuck in a soundproof glass box filled with foliage. ----- Shiro, had watched impassivly, a small flap open on his left arm, small lights flicking on and off as he adjusted something inside it.