The city of Shinkawa is located on the western coast of the main island of Himoto. To the east of Shinkawa lies the Inoue forest, which is home to a variety of flora and fauna. Mount Tomari to the south-east is the tallest mountain in Himoto, making it a popular destination for hikers from across the country. As for the town itself, its architecture is generally fairly modern, aside from a few streets of more traditional buildings around the Shinkawa Shrine, a large Shinto shrine on the northern end. The town's main attractions include its beautiful beaches, a number of cafés and restaurants, including the Budou café, where the staff's uniforms tend to resemble typical maid or butler outfits and famous Ravissant patisserie, which is known for both the incredible quality of its products and the fact that its owner and head chef was once a powerful monster hunter, Izumi-san's Funland, an amusement park with a variety of rides and the Shinkawa shrine itself. Though there are options for those seeking adventure. Monster dens, mysterious locations that dot the planet and contain...well, monsters. Their occupants seem to "respawn" when left alone, though neither science nor magic can explain why this happens. The creatures in these dens range from dangerous beasts that must be killed to cute things some people will pay for as pets to delicious ingredients which high-quality restaurants will give top dollar for. It's worth noting however that no matter how long they're left, the monsters rarely, if ever leave their dens and have never attacked a built-up city. The area around Shinkawa contains several of these dens, with monsters sighted deep within the Inoue forest, in caves on and around Mount Tomari and in the waters around the small island of Akugashima, roughly half a kilometre off the coast. --- So, yeah, basically this is going to be a fantasy sandbox RP set in the city of Shinkawa in the Japan-analogue country of Himoto. There's not really going to be much of an overarching plot, although player created plots or events are encouraged. Tone-wise, I'm aiming for something light-hearted for the most part. Oh, and VitaVitaAR will be helping me out with GMing. --- A couple of notes: - The standard fantasy races are present and player-created races can be submitted. Just don't go too crazy. If your race is basically kryptonians or something similarly godlike, they probably won't get in. Also, I'd prefer if we could avoid having any sapient races that are always evil. - Mages don't have a monopoly on logic-defying craziness. Ki attacks, destructive shockwaves or beams from swinging a sword and the like are all acceptable. - Keep the tone in mind. While serious plots are fine with me, I don't want things going too grimdark. --- Character sheet: Name: Race: Age: Appearance: Personality: Skills/Abilities: Equipment: Brief Backstory: --- Race sheet: Name: Description: --- Name: Vampires Description: Vampires are fearsome creatures of the night that turn those they drink the blood of into their slaves...Except when they don't. The actual traits of a vampire vary greatly from case to case. Some turn others simply by drinking their blood, others need to feed the target some of their own and others still are completely incapable of siring new vampires. Some burst into flames when exposed to sunlight while some just get exhausted or sunburnt quickly. Of all the traits commonly associated with them, the only one that seems to be consistent is a need to drink blood to survive. --- [hider=My Characters]Name: Tomoko Asaoka Race: Human (zombie) Age: 19 Appearance: [url=]Just a totally normal teenager. Yep.[/url] The scars and discolouration aren't visible under most circumstances. Personality: Tomoko is somewhat shy around people she doesn't know. However once she feels comfortable around someone or it becomes clear that they share interests, she becomes more cheerful and friendly. She is a fan of an assortment of manga and anime from a variety of genres, ranging from slice of life comedy to shonen action to psychological horror, as well as tokusatsu series of varying ages, regardless of how cheesy they may be. She is also an avid gamer, frequently losing track of time while playing, resulting in her not going to bed until well after midnight or missing meals. Skills/Abilities: Thanks to the spell that brought her back to life, Tomoko is a fair bit stronger than her appearance would suggest. In addition, the magic makes it extremely hard to kill her...again, with most injuries simply regenerating within a few hours. The only way to make her stay dead would be to destroy her heart, where the "core" of the magical energy keeping her mobile is and take out the mage that brought her back. Just one or the other would be ineffective, as the core is easily replaced, even remotely and the mage's support is unnecessary while it's intact. While the core works independently, it does require fuel to maintain...which basically just means that if Tomoko doesn't eat, she dies. So long as she doesn't do anything [i]too[/i] strenuous (running non-stop for several miles, getting hit by a bus, repeatedly lifting twice her weight, etc), she's fine with 3 meals a day, with more food needed to make up for anything like that. In addition, so long as she stays well fed, she's practically indistinguishable from a living person, however as she uses up her energy, signs of her condition become apparent. Her skin becomes cold to the touch, her limbs become stiff and eventually, the scarring and discolouration in her appearance picture reappear. On the more mundane side, Tomoko is a talented cook, with a wide variety of recipes, from Himoto and abroad in her repertoire. Equipment: Tomoko generally doesn't go anywhere without some kind of gaming device on her person. She also keeps a chocolate bar with her at all times, in case of an emergency. Brief Backstory: Tomoko's life has been almost completely unremarkable. She was born in Shinkawa to loving parents, who are both alive and well, if a little busy with work most of the time. She's never been involved with anything that made her need to change schools. She's maintained a small group of friends with similar interests through high school. Oh, and she died a few years ago in an event that she only describes as "a direct result of going swimming within 30 minutes of eating". Fortunately, her mother is rather skilled with the art of necromancy, and she was brought back to life, more or less. Unfortunately, she was grounded for a month following the incident. She works part-time at the Budou café to help support her hobbies, since her parents have stopped paying her an allowance. --- Name: Akira Miyama Race: Human Age: 8, physically at least. Appearance: [url=]I'd strongly recommend against touching the bunny.[/url] Personality: Akira is generally a good deal more polite and mature than one might expect from someone of her apparent age. She is also far more knowledgeable, both about magic and the world in general, than a child should be, though she tries to avoid letting too much of this show to most people as it just gives more fuel to the nutjobs saying she's secretly some super-powerful mage that disappeared a few years ago. Akira has something of a weakness for sweets and plushies, acting far more like someone might expect a child to when they're involved. This makes ice cream or a new teddy bear effective ways of convincing her to do something. Skills/Abilities: Akira is a powerful mage, capable of casting spells which should be far beyond an 8 year-old's ability. She is capable of creating tsunamis, explosions that could level a city block or the "Rays of Judgment", several thin columns of light from the sky which gradually expand, burning anything they touch. Of course, while she can use these, her body doesn't handle the strain very well and she will pass out soon after. Not to mention the fact that very few threats call for that kind of firepower. Generally, she sticks to more basic spells such as fireballs, spears of ice, a weak self-healing spell (the only one she knows, as healing was never her forte) and magical barriers. Aside from her magic, Akira is about as strong and tough as one would expect an eight year-old to be. Equipment: She's never seen without a stuffed animal of some kind. Brief Backstory: Some time ago, there was a powerful mage with enough power to clear out dens full of powerful monsters with a single spell, without even entering them. However, two years ago, this mage vanished during a job. A short time after this, Akira turned up in Shinkawa and rented a small apartment with someone claiming to be her older sibling. No one thought much of this until it became clear that the child knew far more about magic than someone her age should. Soon after, rumours began circulating that the disappeared mage and Akira were the same person. The exact logic behind this varied from person to person; a hunter jealous of the mage's success cursed her, she fell into the mythical fountain of youth, a strange monster did it, she was actually a small child piloting a mecha that looked like an adult all along or any number of other outlandish theories. Akira finds some of the rumours amusing enough that she's unlikely to ever actually clarify if there's any truth behind them. If she's asked, she'll generally just look at the person with a confused expression on her face until they drop it.[/hider]