The year is 1953. A decade of mostly peace, and economic growth in the United States, especially the Big Apple. Clubs, skyscrapers, shimmering lights are all what make up the city... including the mafia as well. They operate all the dirty work in city. Smuggling, drug dealing, murder, gun control, you name it. It isn't a pretty job. Out of all the Mafia families out there, there are four major ones that are trying to become the leader of the ring. They all have their pros and cons to them, and all extremely dangerous, and have the ability to become the big dogs. In this city they will have to have a truce with some, and make enemies with others. Sabotage, backstabbing, blackmailing, and other things are all fair in this battle. During this battle, there can be friendships, relationships between the families, innocents killed, and lives ruined... and the four families aren't the only ones trying to gain control of the city. Detectives, undercover cops, and assassins could be out for them too. It'll take the biggest and baddest to come out on top.... who will take it? Families: [b]The Lombardi's[/b]: The Newest of the families. The Lombardi's are known for their silver tongues and charm. Although they have recently gained infamy in the past decade, they have proven to be a serious threat. The run most of the clubs in Manhattan, and use their negotiation skills to acquire allies, and to get out of situations. Their specialty is smuggling persons and items of interest in and out of the City. [b]The Moriarti's[/b]: The eldest Mafia family in New York. Due to series of events and the change of how this deadly game is played, they are losing their grasp on their control of the entire city. Although they are losing it, there's a reason why they have stayed on top for so long. They are cruel, twisted, and don't take kindly to people who mess with their business. They control most of the weapons trade in New York. [b]The Rosetti's[/b]: The second eldest family. They have hated the Moriarti family for a long time, and the Moriarti's hate them right back. There has been many occasions that the Rosetti's have taken the lead in the business, but have always fallen short. Their family was soon to be top dogs until the leader of the family died just recently, and they fell back to second place. Although they have been around for about just as long as the Moriarti's, they are more passionate and forgiving, but won't hesitate to kill anyone who crosses them. They control the drug trade. [b]The Russo's[/b]: They are known for their sneaky, and tricky ways. They are masters of tricking and backstabbing others, thats how they got so high up. They usually never travel alone, and tend to seem innocent and quiet, but have the brains to take down a small army. They are extremely dangerous, and currently take control of bribing the law enforcement. CHARACTERS: [b]Lombardi[/b]: Godfather: Vito Lombardi--Frankieba 1) Jones Lombardi (Son to Godfather)--Jones Sparrow 2) Contessa "Tess" Benetti(Trusted Family Friend)--Winter 3) Steven Lombardi(Nephew)--Emyris Bayne [b]Moriarti[/b]: Godfather: Alfonse Moriarti--Piercetyler1994 1) Valentina "Val" Moriarti(Daughter to God Father)--czechmate46 2) Lucan "The Handyman" Gorbachev(Trusted Family Friend)--Daglobster [b]Rosetti[/b]: Godfather: Open [b]Russo[/b]: Godfather: Lorenzo Russo--Jangel13 [b]Other[/b]: 1) Mimi Keller(Hired Hand)--Liriia 2) Vincent Gessati(Out for Revenge)--TJByrum RULES: 1) Unless you get the okay from the character and me, you can't kill other players. You can injure them, but not permanent damage, unless again, the character says so.. 2) You can have relationships with other members, but keep it Pg-13. 3) As above, i don't mind blood, gore, or cursing. but keep it Pg-13 4) Be fair. Some families will win some, and lose some. 5) you can be from any family, or a civilian, a mafia member(not related), a detective/cop. If you have another idea, let me know, and i'll see if its okay! 6) I prefer quality over quantity, but I don't want any one lined posts please! FORM: Name: Age: Appearance: Family: Relation to Godfather: mafia members only Role in family: Mafia member only Bio: doesn't have to be long Personality: Relationship?: optional ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jones Lombardi Age: 22 Appearance: [img=] Family: Lombardi Relation to Godfather: Son Role in Family: Runs the person of interests smuggling. Also runs [I]The Silver Suit[/I], one of the most popular clubs in New York Bio: There was this story that my father would always tell me when I was a kid. He told me how my grandfather sailed here long ago, and through hard work and defying the odds, he gave our family everything we have today. Of course at this age I had no idea my family was a slowly rising mafia family, but I had this incredible sense of pride for the Lombardi family. I spent a lot of time with my family, I spent all the time I could with my grandfather and dad when they weren't out working. Like all Lombardi's, I had a silver tongue. I would convince others to give me their money at school, I would get out of trouble with the local bullies around the block, and I was known to be a pretty good wingman for my brothers and sisters. As the years went by, I got more and more certain that our family was more than a few club owners. My mom and dad made sure I got a good education, and when I finished up high school at the age of 18, my grandfather passed, and I was brought in to the business by my dad. To the outside world, we were the charming Lombardi's who hosted the best clubs in Manhattan! To the crime world we were the slowly rising and dangerous mafia family known for getting things in and out of the city. I spent the next four years learning the rules of the road. How to shoot a gun, how to negotiate, to torture, run from the cops, run a business, the essentials for a good Lombardi man. My dad later let me run a part of our growing business. I was now the owner of the Silver Suit, New York's finest club, and running the smuggling business. I'm now experienced in the mafia game, and I can tell that the crime world is starting to respect the Lombardi's. Hopefully we can rise to the top, and run this city Lombardi style! Personality: A hopeless romantic. He believes in happy endings, even if he is surrounded with violence, murder, and a lot of assholes who would love to kill him. Witty, charming, and unlike most people in this business, he has a bit of a heart. Due to the things he's seen (and his mother), he treats women with upmost respect. Extremely loyal to his family, and friends. Calm under pressure, and although he might not enjoy the thought later, he isn't afraid to kill anyone who interferes with family business. Relationship: anyone interested, let me know! Other: wears my grandfather's old fedora for good luck.