The day waned by rather quickly, making it seem almost instantaneous to the beholder. Soon night fell upon the citizens of Warakuma, shrouding them in the bleak and sabled shadows of the night. Most people headed home for the day, eager to see loved ones, and the comfort of their house. However, multiple things were happening behind the backs of many of the characters inhabiting this town. There were rumors of the cult gaining more members over the day, along with a very few people going missing. They were most likely recruited by this elusive cult which evaded the police for so long. However, there was one victim the cult was aiming for now in their endeavors. The other secret was the group of people aiming for investigating the mirror world in secret, and saving this who were thrown in. It has unknown what their true nature is, but from the looks of it, they are benevolent from their actions of saving this thrown into the mirror world. It seems they opposed the place and its creation due to the malevolent shadows which dwellers within. They didn't have as much power as the cult in general, but it was strong enough to go against the mirror world and the oppression that it heralded. There were three new recruits today which fought for their very lives while the two veterans watched them in their training. Despite how harsh it was, they managed to grow from the experience and were becoming much more fit for the place. They were rather interested about one thing he said in particular to them, and he kept them curious by telling them to wait until the morrow. For now, the trio heads home, exhausted and beat up from their day of training, preparing themselves for whatever Kazuki had to throw at them. ((Time skip now! This is to get us moving on, so get ready guys! Sword, it seems the cult needs to, heh... Bara Noboru for a bit! The trio didn't gain any new abilities btw, also you have Megumis number now!)) ---- -Kaminari : Sutoraiki Household- The boys eyes fluttered open, as he lied there, exhausted from the day. From what he saw, he had awoken from his slumber a bit earlier than usual, and shook the remaining dust fromnhis eyes. From what he felt, this was going to be a rather long school day, and probably one of the more tiring ones which strangled every strange ofenergy he had within the confines of his body. He pushed himself up, and yawned loudly, stretching his arms straight up in the air. He took a look around the solemn room, and grabbed his pad. Kami looks at the thing, and began scribbling down a few notes about the mirror world and the types of shadows he encountered yesterday, before putting it into his bag. He then grabbed his school clothes from the closet, and prepared himself for the day. His sister was was surprised to see him awake ahead of her, and prepared for the day ahead. She stared, bemused and surprised at what she saw and heads to the bathroom to prep herself for the day ahead. He ignored the girl, and continued to eat his breakfast. After a few minutes, Mayu came out in her school uniform, studying Kami eat. The boy noticed her as he finished the last remaining parts of his breakfast, and set the plates down in the sink before going over to Mayu with a rather neutral and uncaring expression on his ahead. "You know, its kinda rude to stare at your brother that way Mayu." "And you've been acting kinda off lately oniisan, what's going on? First you join theater and wow a crowd, you come home later than usual, and your talking to Ayano-san again! Seriously, did you get over your guil gain some courage or something?" The boy stared at the girl for a bit before chuckling to himself for a bit, before she annoyingly demanded what was so funny. Kami brushed her off just to tease her, which infuriated the girl even further. She was going to find answers one way or another, and decided to munch down her breakfast. The boy brushed his teeth in the bathroom, his eyes jutting between the mirror and the water gushing as he cleaned the food from his teeth. He then exited from the bathroom, with his sister passing by him, Mayu giving him the evil eye. Kami worried if she would try and do to procure what info he had out of him about his shift in personality, but dismissed it before reading one of his comics he stowed away in his bag. The time quickly passed on by with the duo leaving the house, Mayu shuffling ahead of her brother to catch up with her friends. He looks onwards, and gave out a brief sigh as he continued onwards to school. Maybe he would meet Sachiko, Rui, or another one of his friends on the way to school... Heck, even a new person that he didn't know existed. ((Also, the death arcana is available again xD))