Name:Valadin Dar Coppernicus Race:Shade Age:17 Appearance:Depends on his mood, but he usually looks like a tall teen with shoulder length copper hair, intense copper eyes, and two sharp, fang-like canines. He wears a black dress shirt all the time, as well as slacks, though the shirt is never tucked in and the upper half is always unbuttoned.(Sorry if the descriptions sparse, but he can change his form at will, so didn't see much off a point to it.) He has yet to discover his true form. Personality:He is a standard Coppernicus, which mean he is selfish, possessive, extremely arrogant, deviously clever, and always up to something. He loves to work at the Budou café, as it makes for a lovely hunting ground. While he makes sure to never bite the same girl twice, he love the intense feeling he gets from drinking blood from the living, well and truly addicted at this point. He always acts charming, compassionate, and ever so slightly mysterious in order to get his victims to lower their guard around him, then he strikes. He makes sure that they never remember using a memory spell they teach all Coppernicus children. Skills/Abilities:He is much stronger and faster than the average human, as well as a very versatile fighter. He focused on speed and power, hitting hard and fast, but he can take a couple hit's if need be. His shadow magic is rather intermediate, only allowing him to convert shadows into basic shapes. His blood magic, however, is much different. He uses blood as a multiplier to regular magic he's learned increasing their effectiveness.(Ex. simple fireball becomes a giant one with level three enhancement). He can also use the blood itself, making it acidic, or creating blood constructs with it. His shapeshifting allows him many ways to escape a bad situation, but he can't fight very well in a variety of forms, so he usually sticks with a mostly humanoid one. Equipment:He uses a katana blade,Infernum, which can create Scarlet flames when it's fed blood. Brief Backstory:He moved to Shinkawa to so he could hunt away from the watching eyes of other shades. With no other's around, in a place where they have scarcely been heard of, he plans to flourish here, maybe make a new family while he's at it. Another vice of the Coppernicus family is that they are the incarnation of ambition and will use on anyone or anything in order to achieve it.