[quote=Entropsy] This is a topic that really bugs me when I rp.I think a lot of women play as femme-male characters as opposed to female characters--which I have no problem with--but there's usually not a lot of girls...I wonder why? I mean, I do it too, but I kind of wish more people played as women.For the same reasons I always want to see more POC characters in roleplays, but I'm conflicted about playing one myself. I mean, I could never understand what a person of color goes through, so would it be right for me to play as one? Isn't that a bit disrespectful? A lot of roleplays are really, whitewashed, though, and they need more racial diversity. [/quote] I second everything Villageidiot (That's a really misleading name for you btw dude) said. But I think it's also an element of that it's a very immersive, engaging and demand kind of RP in terms of being the character, playing them out etc. For example with myself, although I play 50/50 male and female characters to things such as video games, D&D etc. I find my forum characters tend to be majority male. Because you're not just doing outward actions and fighting stuff, you are going into the mind and basically writing everything they think and feel. Which might draw people off who feel they can't do the other sex justice, or may quite simply just be fine expressing such things from their own sex. I mean personally, now that I kind of noticed this exception to the rule of mine with forum RP's I will make an effort to play more female characters. But odds are I'll just end up playing them the same way I do my male characters, cause whenever I make a character I just make them as people. I try not to think about "Their male/female therefore X". I just go "This is a person, this is the way this person behaves and acts".