The title says it all. I used to be a member of RPG before the great crash. I then come back... to this.... First of all there are no staff members, or in fact very little. In fact, I've seen some migrate to Iwaku. And I don't blame them because honestly Iwaku is pretty much like the rpguild of old. There's literally no updates. It's been barebones for a year. I understand that one person is in charge... But why? Jesus, let someone help Mahz. Share the website code with someone trusted. I'm sure someone with the expertise would be willing. Or ask for anon donations to hire a professional web designer. Because the way it is now, it's complete shit. Don't even try to sugarcoat it. QQcode is a piece of garbage compared to BBcode. There is much less options, and it always has problems. You can't change the font much other than bold, italicized, or other insignificant stuff we don't really fucking use. This website is like the sorry crappy under budget sequel of the old rpg, never fulfilling to the prequel. Iwaku is the new RPG honestly, fuck all.