Kimiko needed a number of parts and she was glad for Able's help. The others had a good plan as well, except for the boy who stormed out with the umbrella. She wasn't quite sure why he was leaving since her device was going to allow them to move about uncontested by the horde of gulls. Regardless, it was time to get to work. [b]"Right, so I need that TV, some wiring, something conductive for the armature loop, something non-conductive for the frame, and three magnets. Two of the magnets need to be polar opposites and bigger than the third. The third magnet needs to be smaller than the other two with north and south poles. Hmm... What else?"[/b] She needed something to magnetize objects since there probably weren't any big enough magnets just lying around. [b]Never mind about the magnets. I'll need someone to go to the kitchen though. I need a jug of distilled water, at least a pound of salt, the biggest oven pan you can find, a smaller non-metallic pan or bowl, and all the steel wool brushes you can carry."[/b] She thought for a moment. [b]"That should be everything I need to do this."[/b]