[b]Octavia Arterbury[/b] Octavia swallowed. Edie had a point, yes, but with so much worry and noise, it was hard to compose herself. She stared at the floor, trying to quell her fears. Iris denied involvement. Maybe - maybe no one here was involved. Just because quite a few of them were criminals and liars at a professional level didn't mean any of them couldn't be trusted. She exhaled deeply and looked back up; Karyl had been watching her. Octavia raised an eyebrow, and Karyl quickly looked away. Huh. Well then. She sat up a bit straighter. Morgan looked at Dieter (or rather, seemed to look through him) before nodding. "Honestly, I think I'd be the only one who wouldn't mind staying. I won't miss much outside, though I'll do nothing to hinder escape attempts either - not much to keep me here either." He now glanced to Iris, a small smile on his face. "I suppose you're being honest, or you would've tried harder to convince us. You deserve some praise for that." Instead of offering any of his own, he glanced to Octavia and Karyl. Octavia wasn't surprised to see Karyl huff and cross her arms - she seemed uninterested in garnering anyone's respect - so Octavia clapped instead, bow swaying in the air. Right then. She nudged Karyl's foot off of her papers and began collecting them to put them into her case. She was a quick writer in most cases - hopefully sufficient to keep up with everyone else. [b]Karyl delle Campane[/b] Karyl tensed as Anna spoke up. She was not enjoying this division of power. Why would they trust a fashion designer and a thief? She knew pressure. She worked fine enough in groups. But fine. Whatever. She let out a long breath. All this would do currently would be to cast suspicion on her. "Well, I suppose that's reasonable. I just thought being open and honest about our goals would help. Let us know who needs the most supervision, but clearly that didn't pan out. As long as we all follow these extra rules, though, maybe it doesn't matter." A little too sweet. But as long as it got suspicion off her, did it matter? She wasn't going to be the first victim, when - if, if it happened. Had to believe it to speak it so effectively. Which was now handy, as the scientist was crying on the floor. She put on her best expression of empathy and sat down next to him. "Hey." Her voice was much less cold. "You wanna just stay here until you calm down?" She pulled off her hoodie, revealing the black leotard beneath, and offered it to him. It wasn't uncommon for dancers to break down before a show, and sometimes the hoods helped. She'd deal with Conrad in a minute - he clearly was always upset anyways, and it'd have no impact to try right now. [b]Morgan Oakley[/b] What a disaster. Sure, m could put on the unconcerned facade - no magician worth their salt broke when the trick went wrong - but there was not much m could do to keep things cool. When the princess ran off, Morgan stared after her mutely before holding m's arms out. "Voila! I have made a student disappear!" Just a little joke. Morgan glanced around, doing a quick headcount. They were short....three. That didn't seem right. Huh. "Well, I have no objection to making some food vanish either. I'm not a Super High School Level Cook, but I do know my way around a kitchen." M followed Edie to the doorway and noticed Octavia was right behind, carrying her violin case and bow.