//Salforge [Just after Minoru wakes up] Salforge had to admit, this was about more than just the ringing of the dinner bell. The Factory had gone into security alert, a breach made possible thanks to him and Ryoko casually stepping out for about an hour leaving the ever useless general and his nephew to play with their toys. It was fine, there wasn't a thing that got past him even if they managed to creep around the corner, through the ventilation systems, etc. Prior to their leaving to encounter that pesky Gavin, Salforge did code the entire factory. The intruders were now about to learn the meaning of "terror". But before that Salforge took a single step, and then another. He found himself doing a little jig with Tyra at this point, with as much as he watched other's movements doing a couple steps in to a rhythm wasn't too hard. At that point he'd sure she'd join in, this was purely for her amusement. -------------- Gavin\\ -------------- Gavin was tired, he'd endured some erroneous torture prior to this outbreak of pure hell happening in the medium sized room. He was hardly paying attention to conversation at this point, as he'd been lost to the thought of his sister. Releasing an exhale, he could feel the heat again, and sure enough as his heavy eyes began to lift there was the woman he'd caught a glimpse of before, at the closest distance. Attempting to burn through the chain, she'd put it in a pretty malleable state. There was no mistaking it, he'd come in contact with his polar opposite, chemistry crossed his mind then. The red haired youth's right arm was broken and he couldn't bend the limbs, but he had other options. "You're...saving me?" hardly a first word, but it was all he had inside his vault of thoughts. It then occurred to him, was this the group he'd been scouting out? "You're doing great...I got it from here, just back up..." Gavin said giving her a moment or so as he drew upon the icy grip of his darkness. As he attempted to his his left hand to pull himself up, his legs were bent against the wall, his back kept him balanced. His grip was bluish black, and freezing cold. Touching the left chain's heated area, he diffused the chain causing it to snap, then reached for the remaining ones, eventually freeing himself of all the shackles. As his right arm dropped down, he felt the tug, and it felt like an enflamed house. He rigorously clenched his teeth, gripping for his right arm and using all he had keeping him conscious from letting out a violent scream in pain. "Damn...that really...REALLY hurts..." he whispered to the woman. What they needed now was a secure escape route, as Gavin looked around, they practically had Ryoko surrounded. Gavin however was in no condition to be useful to the break out. "It's Gavin...in case you were wondering." ---------------------- //Salforge [Present time] ---------------------- He'd fooled around with Tyra for a few minutes or so, there was a breach reported and now the entire facility was on high alert. "Ok, thats enough entertainment for one sitting. You go help Ryoko, i'm gonna head down to the core room. Off you go." Salford placed his hand on her head, and within seconds she was being coded by his immovable blocks. Rapidly covering her, she was digitized and then scattered into automatons. She should invariably be popping in right outside the door to Gavin's chamber. Salforge let his hand float there for a moment before, he thought softly of Ciel and how she'd tuned him into a more humble "thing". The steel heart complied, prodding at his chest before restarting towards the factory's core room. He muttered only a word, "Haste..." with that, Salforge vanished in a blink leaving the dust as he curved through the factory. As the effects waned down, he was suspended high above, suppressing his mass and volume (density) to a state where he was nearly that of a feather. He floated briefly in the air, before balancing himself on a floating block the size of a basketball. Racing across his skin, the blocks reflected his appearance to be empty, his sound quieted and the sounds of voices yelling over misplaced information within a group was heard. He had to admit, it felt like he'd done this before...or was this the other way around? Regardless, he hovered down without a sound to be heard and continued to do what he did best. 'One-thousand eyes. Blink.' Standing atop the block still obscured from sight, the room began to butt forth floating material, reflective, but this time circular. They looked almost as if to be glass protrusions, objects even, yet they were singled layered blocks rapidly multiplying covering the room. Salforge sat down on his, it expanded as he moved to the position of comfort. He'd done this once before, used his blocks to diffuse the situation and set up multiple points to throw up detainment blocks. In truth, this was his intent of coating the factory from the beginning. Soon he chose to remove his cloak and hovered above two women, he was slumped over, shoulders buffed and sat in silence. The CI located in his left eye, gleamed, as his red eyes flickered with the mark of his kind. He jumped off, falling slower than normal due to his change in mass. By about the time he stood up, and stomped with his right foot there was a tremor from that spot. Again, shifting the density in his leg as it was firmly planted. Two women, he looked at them both, surely if these were different circumstances then sexual harassment would've been essential...as a jest naturally. The eyes circled around the entire room and followed everything, there was an input message on the console, at this point the mercenary had already determined the worst-case-scenario here. So he had to detain that entire room. "Haste." he quickly drew his hand instantly, and began to purge yellow light generating at the tip of his finger pointed towards the machine. "You might want to move. Decay." A single point-sling from his finger, burst forward with yellow light. Aimed towards the core, the yellow light that purged only had one purpose at that point, it was to remove the core from the playing field and it had the power to do that. If they didn't throw something in the way, it'd punch through everything they'd been working on up until now. The empire had a policy, if they couldn't have it, better both sides loose it so it can't be used against them. That topic alone was moot, but now wasn't the time to delve deeper into the matter.