Name: Vito "Don" Lombardi Age: 45 Appearance: [img=] Family: Lombardi Relation to Godfather: The Godfatha' himself Role in family: Don (Godfather) Bio: I always knew I'd be a gangsta'. From growin' up in Sicily seeing the hot shots control the town, then in New York when my dad would go around little Italy extortin' the shops. I was bred to be one. It w'unt easy, lemme tell you. I had to do a fare share of things I ain't proud of. One time the owner of a steakhouse was later on his payments, we was talking to him every day- we don't use violence unless necessary. He wouldn't budge so late one night dad, god bless his soul, got me to go to the steakhouse when it was closing and drag the sunnuva bitch into the kitchen. I lit the stove and when it was real hot I pushed his face onto it. He still got the scars to this day! Let's just say he was never late again. Most of the time we can solve are issues with a talk and some champagne, kapish? Personality: Reserved, suave, intelligent, both an intimidating and a comforting presents- depending on which side your on, can sweet talk his way out of anything, widely both feared and respected