"It's very nice to meet you Fawn." Eira smiled briefly, but froze when she mentioned the Higher Courts. It wasn't just that they were among mortals, considering the fact that mortals usually ignore what they can't understand, but the fact that this girl was seemingly bringing up rank in the Faerie realm was odd. "Yes, I suppose we do have our moments, don't we?" Eira asked, tilting her head to the side before the girl scampered off to the music tent most likely. Eira shook off the encounter and made her way to the medical tent, checking in before putting on the mandatory coat and grabbing a portable first aid kit. I didn't have everything a regular first aid kit had but it would do if she needed to move quickly. Not to mention she was a healer by nature. "Hey Aure, can you patrol the west end until about noon or so? I got Dina on there but she's just a student really. I'd feel better if you were down there." Eira's friend and the event coordinator, Ivon, was running around the tent, trying to make sure everything was in order because Doctor's and medics weren't known for being near, just effective. "Sure, not a problem. Walkie me if you need me." Eira said before walking back to where she came from.