------------------------------------------------------------- [i][b]~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Factory - Core Room Nexus~~~~~~[/b][/i] Smoothly the machines throughout the room ran, both those that seemed to blend in with walls themselves like some sort of twisted architecture and the newer, more eye catching, dark steel growths from their hanging positions. Though clearly different, all seemed to easily work in unison, the mismatch of gears and pistons being constantly driven with little explosive puffs of steam every now and then. The first few cases had begun to leave the room, the contents of which seemed to amount as nothing more than a single layer of very small, and very fragile, crystal-like vials. The black coloured liquid sloshing around within their small space with every sway and step the tiny batch of cloaked figures made as they left the room to bring the cases up to the surface. Still, even with the now smaller group consisting of Nomis, his nephew Caleb, one part of the duo of maids, along with the handful of remaining hooded figures and their Heartless transformed brethren, things seemed to continue to run well, almost without the need for any sort of interference, just like the rest of the Factory. At least that was the case, before the sight of the large gears beginning to slow down caught Nomis’ attention almost immediately. A clear sign for any kind of facility, or even simply that of a machine, the sight was that of some kind of lose in power. Though again it may not have warranted much in any other type of facility or machine, to see such a thing here, in a Factory of the Empire itself, it was something that needed to be seen to right away, before it could get any chance to become worse. “This will not do…” Nomis said quietly to himself, still watching the large gears turn even as they began to slow down ever so slightly, it was clear the problem was spreading as the large pistons by the gears sides soon started to have a bit of trouble with their duty. “Continue watching for any changes, Caleb. I will return once I’ve found the problem…” Said the man, turning his gaze for a few moments up towards his nephew before striding off with one of the cloaked scientists by his side, the two clearly leaving the large room as the nephew, sole maid and few scientists were left to continue monitoring the machines they had brought. [i][b]~~~~~~Hollow Bastion / Factory - Core Room Descent~~~~~~[/b][/i] The minute it had taken for the large elevator to reach down a single floor, even if that floor was the largest to house the core of the Factory, was still too long for Nomis to travel. A small journey that should have taken less than half the time was doubled on account of the dimming power making more appearances. Every time one would happen the machine would suddenly stop before needing a few seconds just to build up energy to start the process again mid-descent. The annoyance grew so much that Nomis had clutched the railing of the lift and had begun to concentrate, but that was suddenly no longer needed the moment the power seemed to last long enough for the occupants to finally reach the bottom floor of the core. As the large metal framed door was suitably pulled up, like one would have seen in the mines of old, the glasses wearing man stood within the elevator even as the hooded scientist walked out passed him, clearly uninterested in the unconscious body of the soldier and even that of the clearly crushed piece of equipment by their side on the ground. “Typical…clearly they’re becoming more of an annoyance than I thought…” Nomis thought to himself as he took his time to follow in the shadow of the cloaked scientist, its own thoughts seemingly focused as it turned the corner, away from the second but main elevator of the Factory, and towards the opened metal vault door that led into the core itself. Each silent almost floating step made by the figure being replaced by the clank of metal against metal as Nomis followed with his cane.