Delphi was not affected in the same manner as those she sang for, nor did she get to see nor experience what the individuals affected by it could see and feel. As a 'glamour' it was a rather weak one, one that only really benefited as a defense aid or stalling technique. She did of course have more violent means, the dull claws, her teeth, the venomous snakes that sat quietly and as still as they were able, atop her head but violence, she had learned, did not solve everything. While not aware who or who she had affected people it did not stop her from noticing the changes in the room, it had momentarily grown much quieter and even now the song had finished seemed to only be gradually winding back up to the same cantankerous uproar it had been prior. The large creature in the corner that had been playing with the Pixie's had grown still and the strange moving old woman yelled at a fawn who had, she assumed, joined her in song and amplified her affects. Upon hearing he was dismissed she flinched, while she had little idea what that word meant the finality to it and the look on the fawn's face meant it was unlikely to be anything good. Though the thing that still concerned her was the person in front of her, the grey elf, who for the time seemed rather silent and still and to this end she was both pleased and concerned. Either the memory she had bought up for him was not one that would bode well for her or else it was one that had taken him to quite a good place, of such like he did not want to return. The latter seemed quite improbable in such a dark place such as what laid beyond these tree roots, the scowl carved into many a creatures face, including this one before her, spoke volumes about the kind of life lived in these horrid little mazes populated by the fae and humans. Though escape was now potentially possible, with people distracted she could slip away without being seen, a wave of dizziness and nausea hit her harder than whatever had twisted her stomach outside the old tree. Lilting to the wide as if about to faint she caught the edge of the couch, her little claws digging into the seat as she forced herself to remain as upright as she could. Her hood slipped a little, revealing the china like features of her face, complete with her pale lips and the natural purple markings that stretched from temple to temple across her eyes. The edge of a beautiful purple petaled flower was seen but before more could be exposed her free hand had gripped her hood and gentle ice blue eyes had been half hidden behind the hood once again. It was always tiring to use her gifts but here it seemed more so, be it through the lack of food recently to the difference in environment she couldn't be sure. Refusing to take her eyes of the grey elf this whole time she, with breath recovered, moved to take a half step back and away from the table, her flight response was stronger than her desire for this dangerous person's help and with him distracted it was the perfect time.