Joseph sat in the war room, as two men were sipping on there wine, untill an messanger arrived with a map. "The Cartographer guild sends it regards, knowledge of the new world has been sent to all superpowers sire" stated the Messanger. Joseph nodded as he looks to the two men sitting there, before he began to speak. "I request that Sir Issac is here, we should draw up plans for the New World" The first male nodded, and he left the room with wine glass in hand. "Then I request that we begin trade agreements with our southern neigbors, or Lancia, send the diplomantic envoy by two days time to meet and begin drawing up an agreement, tell them we request a pact and a trade route opened for both flags" The Second Male nodded, before another figure enterd the room. "You called for me sire?" stated Issac. "Yes" Joseph turned the map towards the face of Issac as we walked, surprised. "The New World , this is a great fin-" Issac started to say before he was interrupted by the King. Joseph tapped on three different areas, before nodding. " Fleet one shall be at the top at this general location, 500 men and women shall be on this ship, along with the supplies to create farms , and begin a basic settlement, send 2 Brigs to this location, along with 250 Troops on the ship as well, then Fleet Two shall have the same amount of men and women, however every time one brig comes back, so same goes with the third route. Once all the men and women have landed at there locations and the three brigs are back, we shall send more men and women and soilders" "Yes sire, I shall alert the harbour of your plan!" stated Issac. "Oh and reward the cartographer guild for there efforts, 50 bottles of Van Brothers Wine" stated Joseph, as he nodded. [hider=Map] [img=] [/hider]