[center]The Nation Sheet [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-2_zpsf2b5dcb7.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/sci_fi__consortium_flag_by_leovinas-d3ef4q1_zpsa04a3840.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-2_zps5e3edbc1.jpg[/img] The Unions personal history is quite short, for it came only into existence roughly 45 years prior to this day, yet it has seen many rulers, and many nations rise and fall, such is the life of a world which doesn't quite comprehend what they hold in their hands. The Union acts both as the peacekeeper of its neighbors and stops only being a protector when it's railway influence is at an end. The Union also acts as a monarch for their local region, taking in taxes in order to continue protect its producers and tax paying nations, this has been the life of The Westhurstian Union for its entire existence, and whilst no man is happy to go to war, the army men are simply getting both bored and reckless without combat. The History of the Union prior to it's above state installment was a time of constant conflict between 20, or so, neighboring small countries, through the Gustavian Reformation there was peace, and during this peace the united governance was installed in the face of the Union. A couple of years after that a military coup was launched to overthrow the harmonizing fool of a leader that was Christina Algeinz, with her death the installment of the Stratocracy was easy, and the military took supreme authority for the union, whilst the quality of life has increased gradually with the military state installed, the life of a poor is by no means kind. Therefore, whilst the Union only has existed for rougly 45 years, it has managed to cement itself dominant in the region which it holds it's influence, further beyond it's national borders. [/center] [hider=Race] Kalarians, they are a human sub-species which evolved from the cold reaches of the northern hemisphere and in the mountain ranges. Their natural resistance to cold is quite impressive, but their size is also improved, do to them living in cold air environments, and naturally evolving from 1000+ meters above the sea, their physique have naturally improved quite well along the lines. They are, however, quite prone to diseases anywhere beyond the reaches of the snow, and they don't adept themselves to the summer, nor can they even step foot in deserts without being overwhelmed instantly.[/hider] [hider=Form of Government] Stratocracy, this is a form of rule which places the military and the state into the same body, therefore the military performs the duty of the state, in absolute honesty, the military become the state. This form of governance was issued into existence by request of Kaiser Ulf Eimer, the national unions spiritual founder as well as second ruler. The current people whom hold the greatest amount of power would be the Strategic Supreme Command of Military and Diplomatic Affairs.The SSCMDA, more commonly referred to as The Military Council, or High Command. SSCMDA is a gathering of 10 people who hold absolute authority, these 10 are high ranking generals of every, and all branches of the Great Union.[/hider] [center] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-3_zps9aadba66.jpg[/img] The man with the absolute greatest rank would either be: [*]Grand General of the Army Krux Wilheilm Milze, or...[/*] [*]Supreme Commander of the Fleet, Albert Midledurf.[/*] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-4_zps93398cce.jpg[/img] [*]The Military Council/High Command.[/*] [*]B(lack)G(uard) Commander Keifer Streiz.[/*] [*]Heilich Operator Wilhelmdorf.[/*] [*]Keinung Operator Heiner.[/*] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-1_zpsd2f6152b.jpg[/img] 173,560,013. [/center] [IMG]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/ZUbladO_zpsb3849e8b.jpg[/IMG] [hider=Nation's Geography] The geography of the Union is quite varied, everything from giant forest areas to great tundras and even five notable ravines which the great railway runs over. Within these five ravines lie ten most notable cities of the union and its member states. More cannot really be said except for the fact that there are very long winters and incredibly short, if any summers at all.[/hider] [hider=Economy] The Economy of the Great Union utilizes the Unions vast mining capabilities and trades it for the required sustenance and liquids needed to support an entire population as large as the unions. Whilst the export of steel, iron, and other likely metals are the mainstay of the economy of which the Union utilizes, there are certain cases, within the union, where protectorate countries trade Equitium between each other to vasten their production capabilities and strenghten the final product, for Equitium is a metal only found in the mountain ranges of the far north, it allows for the strenghtening of other metals, and not only that, but if grounded down, the pouder can then be converted to a a very explosive mixture, much similar to gunpowder which the greatest warmachines of the union rely upon within the confines of their gunchambers. There are other rare metals, Aquitium being another one of them, which is used in the creation of personal armor, it's light, yet dense nature makes for promising protective armors, the Aquitium is, however, traded beyond the Union borders. Equitium is the only metal ore which doesn't leave the borders of the union. Bod is also another natural resource of the North, Bod is also very common within the war machines of the Union, the trademark spewing of thick and dense brown-ish smoke signalying the use of Bod. Bod is however uncommon beyond the Union, which is why the Union trades it without worry. The union has a giant trade network through the utilization of their entirely massive railway network and their vast variety of trains. This allows for quick and rapid transportation between trade partner and themselves. Of course the railway only stretch so far, and far from every country has access to it, but rather the medium to close distance neighbors of the Union. The Great Union has a trade partnership with the closest farming nations to supply the union with their massive food upkeep. As well as some cross-sea connections which they use their great vessels to escort across the very hostile sea to their great west. They also rely upon heavy import of wonderfuels from the west only to run the incredibly consuming great machines of the Westhurst union.[/hider] [hider=Technology Overview] Through histories of struggle, the Union banded together so that they may never really look back again, they have no heritage to care for, all they desire is the future, a proud, strong, and respected alliance which can stand strong in a land of chaos, acting as a haven for the Northern folk of the world. Therefore all the scientists, and even citizens, of this great union, care about is the progress towards tomorrow, a tomorrow already set in stone, the only problem is when, and how. But when it comes, then they will rejoice, for it was they who brought it into making.[/hider] --- [center] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-5_zpsda0be9c4.jpg[/img] The military of the Great Unions command focuses most certainly on the ground combat, but second after they focus greatly on the research side of thing, this task being taken on by the airforce branch of the entire nation, leaving them without adequate flying machines, but due to the location of their cities within the confines of great and grand ravines, they believe that they have countered this affect by both that, and setting up a very well functioning anti-aircraft net out and about the union. The unions military policy is Scorched Earth mixed with a more modernized Hammer and Anvil strategy utilizing infantry and highly accurate artillery fire laid down from either railway fortresses, or more distant, high caliber artillery positions. The infantry of the Great Union rely heavily on their very hardened and highly effective body armor for their defense against the enemy, whilst it can be destroyed like anything else, it requires more effort to be retorted and distorted to the point of not working any longer. This armor can be utilized because of the Kalarians natural strenght. Whilst the Great Union hardly have any armored vehicles to speak of, they do have different degrees of body armor, all which serve different roles that tanks serve as well. The Infantry utilizes Sudden Deployment maneuvers to win the tide of battle, travelling on massive armored railway transports, they deploy and lay down fire on their enemies as quickly as they enter their influence, with the massive amount of fire, they believe that Sudden Deployment and Bullet Swarming is a very effective tactic in order to make the enemy flee their sight. But if the enemy is determined then there will always be a railway fortress in the distance, ready to fire its cannons, whilst nowhere as devestating as the Keinung, the regular railway fortresses of the Great Union are no thing to relaxe about, acting as land battleships, they can punish to great deals. Population: 6% [/center] [hider=Army Overview] The Army is the centermost piece of the Union, with a very vast army, capable advisers, and genius generals, the Union has little, if anything at all, to worry about when it comes to the surface. The Army, most commonly referred to by the citizens as Wolfeguard, is a prideful legion of willing, and able soldiers and their unable, but willing theorists covering for them behind the lines of the battlefield, high up in a command center observing, redirecting, and planning for any and every possible encounter. Whilst they perform their duties to the fullest every day of the year, with the exception of Foundation Day, as well as the Day of Winter, they are still human, rest, food, and sleep is necessary for any man to function, and whilst their activity within the confines of their influence is great, powerful, and even threatening, their ability to act beyond the influence of their railway network is severely less than optimal. Due to the heavy nature of their armor, even through the use of Aquitium and their physique, their maximum range beyond the rail would still only count up to 100 km, this hinders their ability to either protect or attack countries beyond the influence of their rail network, via the ground. The Army is also the largest branch of the military, taking up 60% of the entire military populace, whilst there are different sub-branches like the Schwarze Garde, the Turmwächter, and the Kreuzfahrer, they all count into the militaries total, which is 60% of the militaries entire size. The Wolfeguard (entire army) are well known for their Mechanized monstroseties, whilst the most common one of this category is the Infantry XG-S1 Kampf Panzer, which is an improved personnel armor capable of taking quite the beating, but rather the Wolfeguard is infamous for their use of the Union railways that have been amassed across the time of their existence, the branch which operates all the military trains is known as the Mechanized Guardians. The Pride of the Army is known only as the Keinung, this is the greatest military machine of the Union. Carried by over 10,000 wheels, big and small, operated by just about 5600 personnell, the Keinung is a monster on the rails. A 35 section long military fortress on rails, the support and direct attack ability of this great mammoth is truly awebreaking. Whilst it operates only within the confines of the centermost nation of the Union, Blygel, the 1,6km long, 10 meters wide, and 15m tall on average, the Behemoth of Blygel is quite able to go outside of it's designated area of operations only to deliver terrifying bombarding to the frontlines, or quell a rebellion in the middle circle of the union, be it terror, death, or dominance, the Keinung can display it all, but only if given three rails to operate upon. Whilst the Keinung is practically impenetrable from the outside, it's greatest weakness is the rails. Due to it's demand of three neighboring rails to operate, it's operating area is limited greatly due to it's special needs. But if you somehow thought that a head on attack would be the greatest idea, then the might of 26 cannons, 120 machine guns, and 10 AA installations will prove you a worthy adversary, but do not forget the refined Equitium armor, sloped just enough to be of incredible annoyance.[/hider] [hider=Military Photoes] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/kozma-minin_zps025d43c1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/DSC026831_zpsb25bdd01.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/nazi_super_soldier_by_v2rocketproductions-d7fhxco_zpsce75deae.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Mechanized_Soldiers_monitors_Babydoll_zps422b6c2e.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/430709_zpsce6e7dd2.jpg[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5pXCb0_RfV8/TBkG5pVV-GI/AAAAAAAAFgM/pMCVJYyyzKA/s1600/DSC00765.JPG[/img] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5pXCb0_RfV8/TBkNVg1W--I/AAAAAAAAFhE/0NajgfeNDUY/s1600/DSC00759.JPG[/img] [/hider] [hider=Navy Overview] The Navy of the Union holds it's greatest harbour (and strategical command) in the confines of the most north-north western part of the Great Union. Whilst the war machines of the Union's Navy; The Glichnin, aren't the greatest in number, their quality takes over for that, at least in the hopes of the Union, and the belief of their admirals. The titanic ability of just one ship equals what they could fit into three within the same amount of time, whilst the duration it takes to create one such floating leviathan is great, twice that, if not threefold, what it would take to construct a conventional ship, and the fact that they are defenceless in the drydocks before their departure, the ability for the Glichnin's ships to serve at seas for months without resupply is very terrifying. The Navy takes up 15% of the military population and all of that personnell serve on the ships, the army holds command over all engineers and technicians, in that sense, the Army is the broadest branch of the Unions military might. The Glichnin holds only 10 warships, but these 10 warships hold enough firepower to do their roles as battleships a great deed of justice. The pride of the Navy, the Heilich is the supreme manifestation of the Admirals desire to perform the deed of death. Heilich, self crowned as the King of the Sea, is a hulking leviathan, seemingly holding twice the strenght of regular battleships of the Glichnin's disposal, the Heilich is the Supreme Admirals personal flagship. There is said to be no harbour in the known world which can harbour the size of the Heilich fully except the one stationed in Heilich, Gliben, a protectorate state of the union. The flagship is said to be so robust that it took an entire barrage of an enemy battleship and still remained untouched, and whilst the reality of such a situation was far different, the Heilich only holds one true weakness.[/hider] [hider=Air Force Overview:] The Air Force of the Union is, quite honestly, nonexistant. Whilst the Air Force does exist, and it's quite large, they hold no real hold on their supposed true purpose, the branch some may know as the airforce work more on the research side of things.[/hider] "I read that mess, can we start already!?" at the bottom of your NS - Check.