Kali watched him light a torch. “Wow, you’re pretty good with calculations that’ll really come in handy,” she mentioned knowing that she was poor with numbers. Still she found gaming a great outlet for her and it helped that it was enjoyable. “Well it’s good as long as they stay away from me I can heal you in peace.” She added before reaching to hold the torch for him. She could still cast her spells with one hand so it was best that she hold the light. “That’s no problem,” she assured before walking along with him though it didn’t take too long for them to attract attention. The light helped show them a spider dashing across the floor towards him. The moment it got close enough it took a bite into Alakai but Kali immediately got to work at removing the poison. Hopefully her heals would get a lot stronger as she levelled up and they would be able to take more of these spiders. Though honestly she was beginning to dislike just how ugly they looked, they looked scary with their little red glowing eyes. “Hey do you think we’ll have to spend nights here? We’ll probably need a place to stay,” she added out of curiosity though she was pretty sure it was best to let him focus. Still one spider wasn't much of a threat in her opinion.