[hider=Mississippi Lowe] [center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/242xsee.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/ehymnb.png[/IMG][/center] Short, flat and tomboyish, there is always some doubt as to Mississippi's true gender, which is unsurprising – androgynous is something she aspires to be. Even so, in tighter-fitting clothing she appears rather frail and weak; despite her best efforts, she still has a clear, underlying hint of femininity. Generally Mississippi has dark circles under her eyes which seem to be constantly glazed over with imagination or something that artificially emulates it. Her shaking and unsteady hands are easily noticeable, though she tries her best to stifle them under long sleeves (which has the added effect of hiding the needle marks). She is both a nail-biter and a lip-chewer, something at odds with her apparent air of butch confidence. [u][b]FULL NAME:[/b][/u] Mississippi Lowe (formerly Alexandra Lowe) [u][b]NICKNAMES:[/b][/u] Missi, M.L. [u][b]AGE:[/b][/u] 21 [u][b]GENDER:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]SEXUALITY:[/b][/u] Lesbian [u][b]ILLNESSES:[/b][/u] Hepatitis B Asthma HPV [u][b]SKILLS:[/b][/u] Mississippi considers her primary talent to be writing, especially when it comes to scripts for the big screen. She also moonlights as a writer for short stories and has recently resolved herself to writing a play in the style of Tennessee Williams (her greatest inspiration and reason for changing her name). As the daughter of a fairly wealthy family in the South, Mississippi was forced to learn how to play the piano, especially since she refused to sing as her sisters did. While she was always fairly successful in all of her recitals, she dropped the skill for a few years, mostly because she rarely had a chance to play. Growing up in a stilted manner, too, gives her an impeccable posture and while she doesn't use them often as a rule of thumb, her manners are also exceptional. Her vaguely criminal past (which she got away with) resulted in her learning how to break-in to houses with ease and pick locks as well as fostering slight feelings of kleptomania. She also considers herself particularly observant – especially when it comes to spotting whether someone is tired or abused or using drugs. Mississippi considers it her duty as a human being to look out for that kind of stuff. [u][b]JOB:[/b][/u] – Waitress at 'Life Cafe' – receives a fair amount of tips and is well-known by frequent customers. Mississippi has worked there on-and-off since she was 15. – Her secondary source of income during tougher times is from having sex with older, upper-class women and men; however, the money is fleeting and spent on frivolous things rather than saved. [u][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/u] Missi is an extrovert – permanently friendly, forgives easily and considers everyone who she hasn't met to be a friend. Her charisma and confidence has not been limited at all by the tough times she has lived through. There is not an ounce of femininity left in her demeanour; her foul mouth and brutal honesty made sure of that. Missi does, however, suffer from low self-esteem, especially since her romantic nature has not been fulfilled – she often wonders whether she will [i]ever[/i] find love, and if life is worth living if she never does. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand flirting or anything subtle, so even if an opportunity does appear she might miss it entirely. [u][b]BIO:[/b][/u] To be revealed. [/hider]