[b]Primus, the Palace[/b] Kaiser Gabriel stood in his study, enjoying the night sky of the world. He was reading books and enjoying his supper, planning to head off for the night after he finished his meal. Preparing to extinguish the lamp that he was using to read he heard a knock at the door of his study. He opened it to find one of the Imperial Couriers, who had carried two letters addressed to the Kaiser, one stamped with the seal of Corustaria and the other with the seal of Iria. He nodded a thank you to the courier before opening and reading both letters. After he read them both he wrote two letters, one addressed to the Queen of Iria and the other to the Empress of Corustaria. He stamped them with the symbol of the Wilhelm family, which had acted as the seal of the Empire of Lancia ever since his great-great-great Grandfather united all of the Lancian Dutchies and Kingdoms into one unified Empire. Before he went to bed, he also informed diplomats to be ready to tell Parra they were at war when the Corustarian ships arrived to pick up the soldiers. [b]Much Later, the Palace in Corustaria[/b] The courier had come a long way. Across the seas and to the Palace of the Corustaria was no easy feat, but he had accomplished it. He had worn simple black travel robes, but he had brought a amulet that signified he was there on business of the Kaiser. After be permitted to see the Empress, he stepped in and bowed. Handing a letter to her stamped with the Lancian Eagle and then behind that that the crossed swords, the Royal Seal of Lancia. "Greetings your Majesty, I represent his majesty Kaiser Gabriel Wilhelm the third. This letter is in response to one recently sent to him by you." spoke the Courier. The letter read as follows. [hider=The Kaiser's letter to the Empress] [i]To the most esteemed Empress Wight of Corustaria, It is that I graciously accept your offer. You have your soldiers, although I shall be sending a bit more. The force will consist of 5,000 Veterans and then 15,000 regulars. They have already been ordered to port cities and are ready to be picked up by your transports. I also request that you supply them, as we have spent most of the supplies on the Nutr invasion. However I think you will find it worth there combat prowess and the tactical minds of my Generals. -Kaiser Gabriel Wilhelm the Third[/i] [/hider] [b]The Iria Queendom[/b] A courier arrived in Iria, saying he bore a message from the Kaiser. The letter he had follows as such [hider=Kaiser's letter to Iria] [i]Dear Lady Chancellor Haveron, I cannot at this time provide you with assistance, nor allow your fine intellectuals into my court. Iria is it a point of pure chaos, if your situation can stabilize a bit I might be more willing to assist your peoples, but I cannot at this time. It risks the spread of this same Chaos into Iberia, which I can't allow. Sincerely, Kaiser Gabriel Wilhelm the Third.[/i] [/hider]