The foreign man's words were very odd. He was like he could speak Olev's language but not at the same time. Olev could understand a good portion of it. So he knew they would be able to communicate easily. "I'm Olev Pääsuke. Huskarl of clan Yngling. Lower your weapon, we only kill raiders and beasts." He said. "What are you doing out here by yourself? Where is your clan?" He asked. Olev looked at his men, with his free hand he waved at them to lower their shields. "Einar! Tell the men to calm down. This man friendly. Relax." He said. His men hearing their Huskarls words relaxed. They put away their weapons. Some decided to relax further by sitting down and eating some bread or drinking some water. "We are a kind folk. We won't hurt you." Olev said once more. (Don't know what else to post. Will post more later on)