[quote=KabenSaal] Short answer? No. Long Answer? Nooooooooooooooo, But seriously, any site like this, wither it is a shinning tower or internet gold, or something passed though the four stomachs of a Web-Cow, rely on the people to keep it active. And as the community is right now, I would say no, it's nowhere near dead. [/quote] Nice ZP reference, But in all seriousness, the fact this thread has gathered so much attention in the space of a day is something. And as far as I'm involved, the RP's I'm in take casualties and recruit new guys every couple of days. Yes, there is some decline, but I don't think we are dying out. We go through low points and high points all the time. It means nothing to have slowed down, what we should worry about is when no new members show up and we lose members on a regular basis. You can RP on multiple sites, remember. I've never even heard of Iwaku until this here thread. And I think ya'll are being a bit harsh on Mahz and the Guild in general. Yeah, we lost a few fonts and colours, but honestly, what's the problem? People end up making their writing illegible and it's just distracting to have one character speak in red Arial whilst his buddy speaks in blue Times New Roman. You might argue it makes it easier to tell which character is saying what, but a good RPer/writer should be able to make that distinction without the need to resort to cheap measures like adding colour to speech. When was the last time you read a book that used more than what QQcode offers? I haven't read any. And to me, QQ isn't really awkward or clunky or everything everyone else is saying. It doesn't bother me to put [i] or [b] around something - barely takes me any time. I don't mind it. I understand the deletion issue, but hey, you shouldn't really be making a post you need to delete anyway. When you do need to delete something, replace it with -- or "Deleted" or something. It's not a problem. Maybe I'm just barebones. But I personally don't see an issue with the guild thus far. Sure, it would benefit greatly from three or four updates, chief of which should be the removal of the WSoD (White Screen of Death/Doom). Everything beyond fixing that is trivial. If you want to go to something because it let's you change the colour of your words, go right ahead. Personally, I prefer the community and simplistic feel of RP Guild.