Now finished! [center]Appearance: [img][/img] Tia's eyes are brown and her hair is jet black with dirty blond highlights (she had stringy brown hair when she was a kid). She stands at about 5'11', a number she takes pride in now but as a child, she was very conscious about her height. Name: Tia Audrey Everett (Stage name), Tia McCulkin (Real name) Age: 31 Gender: Female Role: Selfish Swan Likes: Shopping, fancy coffee, large sunglasses, recreational drugs, expensive make up, and insulting others. Dislikes: Herself or others reminiscing about the past, being called old nicknames (giraffe, Godzilla, etc.), most food, and mirrors. Personality: When she was young, Tia was a shy, quiet girl who followed at the heels of the other children to avoid being the odd one out. But as she grew older, she soon developed a confident facade to hide her many insecurities. She is now flirtatious, narcissistic, and brutally honest about the people around her to boost her own self-esteem. She likes to pride herself as a bisexual but honestly, Tia likes anyone who shows some kind of sexual attraction to her, whether they be a man or a woman. However, she always seems to find some kind of flaw with someone and quickly drops them like yesterday's news. Perfection is her top priority and she will do anything to gain the admiration of everyone in the world. Relationships: Has had a string of boyfriends and girlfriends but not dating at the moment. Her manager likes to keep tabs on her but they aren't particularly close. Biography: Tia was a foster kid who earned a spot in the Rising Sun Reformatory School. She tended to stay close with the group but had a hard time making lasting friendships with anyone. During high school, Tia developed the unhealthy habit of throwing up after every meal. But it worked and she shed the pounds she thought she had. Sexual favors helped her get enough money to buy make up and more fashionable clothes, which in turn got her richer clients and access to recreational drugs. Seeing as her side-job of 'escorting' took so much time, Tia ended up dropping out of high school and disappearing from most of her classmate's lives. Tia hit the jackpot when one client ended up being an agent from a legitimate modeling agency. He signed her on with hopes of making her his mistress but Tia was surprisingly a lot better in modeling than being a prostitute. With all the money she was getting, she quickly got several different plastic surgeries done to her body. She also got tattoos to hide the scars and deflect from the parts of her body that she hated. Soon, Tia was famous enough to become a free agent and with some damning blackmail, was able to hide her scandalous past. After getting a letter about the reunion, Tia decided to go so as to rub her success in everybody's faces. Other Notes: Tia has a large tattoo on each arm, each thigh, on the right side of her neck, and on her left hip. And even with her confident attitude, she has little quirks that show her serious self-esteem issues, like wearing large sunglasses indoors to hide her heavily made-up face. She also tends to avoid mirrors.[/center]