[hider=Mimi][center][img=http://41.media.tumblr.com/c6fa1b994198b061678301d498c76359/tumblr_n6visfARco1qaw7eeo4_400.jpg] [i]The first word that may come to your head at the sight of Mimi might always be "gorgeous". A woman who knows she's attractive, Mimi flaunts her body in anyway she can to get attention and cash, be it stripping, dirty jobs, or even impromptu schemes. She has a very angular face, with a small nose, large lips, and normally winged eyes that glow with mischief and ego. Her hair is dark and contrasts her white skin nicely, curling around her face in a way that shows off its angles and shadows. Normally dresses in the fashion of the times, though she loves to flaunt off her more expensive outfits whenever she can.[/i][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Mimi Keller [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 26 [b][u]Relation to Godfather:[/u][/b] None? [b][u]Role in family:[/u][/b] Hired hand for any family/passive-aggressive assassin (up for grabs by any family) [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] The daughter of a poor, Manhattan based single mother and an unknown, probably dead father, Mimi grew up basically on the streets, fighting against the slime that surrounded her industrial, dirty apartment. School was nearly out of the question, if not for her mother's stash of American literature books and the public library's lack of security. Mimi basically taught herself how to survive, taught herself money and occupations and anything else that could help a poor, New York squatter take her life out of the gutter. By the age of sixteen she was working odd jobs to support herself, waitress-ing, delivering, doing anything to raise money to buy her own apartment somewhere nice. By the age of eighteen she was doing her first job for a Mafia member, delivering a sealed package to an odd location, behind a sleazy-looking diner. The pay was good, and she was inspired to continue doing work for good cash, trying to attract the attention of Mafia folk by turning to her looks. She taught herself the art of being a lady, changing nearly everything about her ratty self until she finally bloomed into the female fatale you see today. Now, Mimi works countless jobs for a pricey fee, and she has a rather passive occupation of being a dancer at a Mafia run club. Over the years, she has gained much information on her employers, though she wouldn't let the secrets leave her lips unless something greener as involved. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Sharp, mischievous, egotistical, and a skilled liar, Mimi is armed and dangerous with shocking glares and harsh insults that may leave one wondering how such a pretty mouth could say such rude things. Her main interest in life, other than looking good, is money. Mimi would do anything for money, it's basically her reason for living, and if her employer has her work without pay then she will not show much mercy by the end of it. Mimi is quite the sneak, often taking time to observe and understand her situation before completing a job, and she can often be found taking notes on missions, as if she is saving something they are saying for later. Snarky, Mimi isn't exactly a fan of people unless they're paying her, and as such she can be rather cynical and mean-spirited when not acting out her role as the sweet, naive femme fatale she has conjured up over the years. Though, around new folks and possible targets, she is as innocent as can be, batting her lashes and giggling like a school girl. She is a natural negotiator and actress, and though she is rather weak physically, she is somewhat skilled with a gun and should not be taken lightly. When not out on the streets and around friends she can be much kinder, maybe even caring to her closer mates. Motherly by nature, she has a slight weakness to children and small animals, and will often to anything in her nature to protect someone innocent in need. Though her ego can get in the way of her feelings for others, she does mean well for those she likes, even if they don't think so. [b][u]Relationship?:[/u][/b] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] - Mimi often says that she left her mother behind after she started her dirty work, but that is simply untrue. She often sends her mom half of her pay, and may visit her during a lackluster work week. Her mother my be one of her major weak points. - Her mother owns a small pharmacy in a shitty part of town. Both Mimi and her mother are skilled at making medicines and poisons. - She normally walks the streets with an ornate, silver pistol holstered on her thigh. Where she got the weapon is unknown, though it could very easily have been pay for a job. [/hider]