[center][b]Name:[/b] Shiroyama Hideo [img=http://safebooru.org//samples/1250/sample_959953a7711be9975f8f7d8908578bd2630cf9bb.jpg][/center] [b]Race:[/b] Half-Shinigami [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Hideo is a large, impressively built young man, standing 195 centimeters tall, and weighing over 80 kilograms. His mixed blood is apparent in his features, which while strong and masculine, have a strange, ethereal quality. His skin is pale enough to seem nearly translucent, and his blue eyes are so light in color that they are nearly lost in the whites of his eyes. Hideo typically dresses himself in a "customized" (read: completely vandalized) school uniform, with a floor-length jacket, various metal accessories, a tight-fitting undershirt and a uniform cap with the back of it torn off. [b]Personality:[/b] Rough and rowdy as can be expected of any respectable delinquent, Hideo lives to have a good time. Riding, roughhousing and pissing off the old folks are his favorite past times, and he doesn't plan on quitting any time soon. Despite his lack of interest in schooling, Hideo is a surprisingly clever boy; his adaptability and quick thinking are valued by his gang as much as his enormous strength. Even so, he tends to not get on well with those that lie outside of his usual crowd, given his penchant for speaking his mind, no matter how crude or insulting his thoughts may be. Despite his shortcomings, Hideo's strongest characteristic is his completely unshakable determination. This boy's will is that of steel, and when he sets his mind to something, be it winning a race or protecting his friends, he puts his all into it, and nothing can deter him, come hell or high water. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] A skilled street-fighter and motorcycle rider, Hideo honed his skills on the streets, and the practical results of his experience clearly show. Hideo is well-known among Shinkawa street punks for his incredible size and strength, which seems to some to border on the otherworldly. Hideo is also quite good at repairing motorcycles, mending clothes and playing the guitar. He is also quite notably lucky, and tends to do quite well at simple games and gambling, much to his own amusement and gain. Along with his mortal skills, Hideo has also inherited a number of supernatural abilities from his inhuman heritage. Hideo can instinctually sense the presence of death, be it on a person or in a place. He can see and commune with the dead and ghosts with ease, and some ghosts can be persuaded to follow his commands. At a glance, he can determine the circumstances surrounding a dead or dying person, and can quickly tell apart a living creature from an un-living one. Hideo can also conjure and manipulate ectoplasm, the substance of death, which can be shaped into tools, weapons, or small minions as he desires. However, ectoplasm must be drawn from death in some form, be it from a truly dead person, a ghost or simply an area saturated with death, such as a graveyard. [b]Equipment:[/b] Hideo wields a bokken shaped from a strange sort of heavy, black metal. In addition to all of the benefits that a metal cudgel grants, this bokken seems to be particularly effective against undead creatures, and can even strike ghosts. He has no idea where it came from, as he simply found it at the foot of his bed upon waking up the morning of his fifteenth birthday. Hideo also rides an alabaster motorcycle, which he calls "Pale Rider." [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Eighteen years ago, Hideo's mother was a nurse in the intensive care unit of the Shinkawa Municipal Hospital, typically found working the night shift. While strange occurrences were not uncommon in such a city, she was subject to something particularly unusual. On slow, cold nights, some time around midnight, she would sometimes have a strange feeling of dread creep up her spine, and then catch glimpses of a strange, pale man in a white suit. Whenever she looked at this mysterious figure for too long, she would black out, and upon waking up find herself in a strange part of the hospital. These "nightly visitations" continued for months, and after a while she found herself looking forward to these meetings rather than dreading them, for reasons she herself could not quite explain. Just as soon as they began, however, the visitations abruptly stopped, with no sign as to why. However, after a while Hideo's mother began to feel sick and heavy, and as her stomach began to swell, she realized that she was pregnant. Her following, inexplicable pregnancy was a difficult one, wrought with complications, but eventually came to bear Hideo after nine painstaking months. Hideo was born weak and sickly, and his mother was told that he most likely would not survive his first month. Despite this, death never came to Hideo, and he eventually grew into a large, strong boy. Raised by a single mother with a busy schedule, Hideo was raised more by his peers than his mother. It wasn't long before he became involved with a rough inner-city crowd, who turned Hideo away from his studies and toward less legal forms of amusement and recreation. By the time he was in middle school, Hideo was a member of a motorcycle gang, who accepted him due to his surprising strength and unusual abilities. They got their kicks by starting fights, destroying public property, and generally causing trouble wherever they rode. Once Hideo entered high school, he assumed control of the gang, himself, and has elevated them to becoming the most notorious biker gang in Shinkawa. It's only natural that such a destructive and disruptive group should have the moniker, "Hellraisers."