I been here for a little while now and was part of the old guild before it went kaput. I don't see things as all doom and gloom, this place is on the decline, etc etc. HOWEVER the one thing I will say is that there does need to be better/more consistent communication about things that need to be worked on, what is/is not possible, and the like. I totally get that Mahz is a busy bee, and am very thankfully he is keeping this place up and running as a place for people to come to talk and roleplay. However I also kind of wish he could partner with someone that he can trust that can serve as an ambassador or something to things that are being worked on, changes that are being implemented, etc. Someone that can more regularly keep the members of RPGuild informed and not give off the feeling that while this place has not been abandoned per se, but that there is at least someone (one or more) that are dedicated to working on the issues that need fixing, updates, etc.