RPG will be here now and until time stops. End of story. I doubt it will ever truly be dead. Everybody else will feck off and be replaced and the cycle will continue until Maz says screw it. I have faith in Mahz. He'll get it done. Eventually. Not today, not tomorrow. Hell. Probably not this year. But he'll get it done, or he'll shut the place down due to idiots erasing the server after a single missed payment, compewtal gleech, or he simply loses hope as the people that he's seen grow with the site fight and bicker and bitch over the dumbest of subjects. Either way, Mahz'll get it done, as he always has, and always will. Also, Iwaku has editing functions and fancy shmancy adult boards where you can go read smut created by horny teenagers/adults. Whoopdie doo.