[b]Name:[/b]: Shar Skyscar [b]Age:[/b]: 18 [b]Sex:[/b]: "Gather and breed, and your numbers shall flourish." (Male) [b]Breed:[/b]: Orc gifted with the [url=http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/UA:Titan]blood of Cyclops[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n60/demetriknighthawk/shar-1.png] [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][indent] - Jumping - Intimidation/leadership - Melee combat - Religion/law[/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent]- - Full plate (bottom half) - Chain shirt - Greatbow (diaku style) - Falchion -Spiked small shield -Holy symbol -Sickle [/indent] [b]History:[/b][indent] "One Eyed Overseer Of All!" "Hail [url=http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Gruumsh]Gruumsh[/url]! Hail he whose blood drips to the mud to spring forth new orcs. Hail the cyclops, a titan made in Gruumsh likeness, hail the strength, hail the power. Gather the power, gather the divine seed of our gods creation, hail the studding to bring down such power to orc flesh, hail those who died trying to contain such power. Hail those that survived, the gifts of gruumsh to lead us to victory, HAIL GRUUMSH!" These were the words that Shar skyscar came into the world hearing over and over. Born to a particularly reverent tribe known as the Strongblood tribe and born of the priestess in the tribe. The Strongbloods indeed can trace the bloodlines back to cyclops by only a few generations and use this to claim divine right of heritage to their actions. There is something to be said for the questionable tribe whose mountain niche is a long abandoned (greek) temple, they might almost be mistaken for civilized folk if not for their zealous ways of worship and war. Others claim it is far more likely the limited contact of the niche folk has resulted in some inbreeding, resulting in the physical deformities. Either way, most Strongbloods are born with great physical might and fewer eyes than most. But for shar, he was born with something far more divine. "Orcs can fly?!?" "No, jump good." While most others developed great upper body strength, it was Shars lower half that was blessed by the gods with thick columns of flesh that initially made it difficult to run with the other children. But when games came around to jumping about, he left them all behind. As the years rolled on, his divine purpose grew with his size, forming not as the way of a cleric like his mother, and not the way of a raging barbarian as his father, but rather as a(n) (un)holy [url=http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Anti-Paladin]paladin[/url] of the one eyed god. It was odd being the only lawful one to a chaotic god, but his orcish ways were strong enough to overlook the laws he set forth to himself as a sort of challenge to make himself even stronger. He received a vision once in brutal meditation, he sensed a sickening beacon of good approaching through the mountain pass guarded by pitiful clerics of a weak god but their numbers made up for their weakness to a true challenge worthy of battle. He lead the raiding party who would crush these wrong-believers with their usual cunning tactics of raining rocks from above then charge the softened targets for slaughter. Sadly it would be a Pyhrric victory as the clerics all worshiped the god of the ground and when one hundred clerics all call at once for help, the answer was a rock-slide that buried them all in a great kairn. All but shar whose skill at leaping greatened into a gift of levitation that sent him flying out of harm. Sadly, he could not return home after such a crushing victory, so he instead picked through the cairn to loot all he could of both forces and drug them all away to see what fate Gruumsh had for him. After some weeks he and his loot of a hundred corpses found themselves in a new orc camp, he gladly paid for his entrance to the new army with what he had brought with him and took his place with the pikes, knowing his godly gifts would promote him soon enough if that was Gruumsh' plan. His leadership and divine abilities soon put him into a place of specialists when he was able to enter a small city under the lawful cloak of a paladin to negotiate for supplies. The guards may have bristled and swore harm for his radiant evil aura, but as long as he obeyed the laws, there was nothing to be done from being treated different than any other to garner a fair price for what the company needed. Many of the shops were convinced to pay a fair price for getting the orc, his 'halfies' entourage of various camper specalists, and the city guard, as far away as possible as soon as possible rather than barter and negotiate while loosing customers by the second.[/indent] [b]Personality and Psychological profile:[/b] [indent] Anyone can fight with flank and poisons, show me the orc that stands in the middle of the fight and lets his prowess do the talking. I wont stop you from flanking and poisoning them or even the one I am distracting by fighting them, but your victory is a hollow one. Let all be cowed by my wrathful might and divine mandate, I wear red, but do not bear the read on my arm, no. Instead, I bear my red on my legs, my gift from gruumsh. Boot to greave, greave to belt, belt to breast. This is how I shall wear my red, rising up as I wade ever deeper into the rivers of blood that flow. Gather and breed, and your numbers shall flourish.- Bear the blessing and bloodlines. Rise up in hordes and seize that which is rightfully yours.- Earn your keep, earn your kill, keep what you kill Raid. Kill. Conquer.- Bring forth the light of gruumsh and blind all in its radiance, those who can not stand the light must look to the ground as the cowards they are. A paladin of tyranny's code requires that he respect authority figures as long as they have the strength to rule over the weak, act with discipline (not engaging in random slaughter, keeping firm control over those beneath his station, and so forth), help only those who help him maintain or improve his status, and punish those who challenge authority (unless, of course, such challengers prove more worthy to hold that authority). [/indent] [b]Relationships and Acquaintances:[/b][indent][/indent]