[center][b]Reykjavik[/b][/center] Oskar perked up when the boy mentioned food, grinning ear to ear whilst expertly quieting the growls within his own stomach. "Aha! I was wondering when you'd ask. The canteen is this way, downstairs. If we're lucky, we may even be able to peek out of the windows before the shutters close. Not that there's much to see but water and ice, but still!" he explained, putting an arm around Otto's shoulders and steering him in the right direction. The canteen was a large room, with several tables, benches, and cats. Loose luggage lay around here and there, either overflow from the lower compartments or people's carry on, or a mix of both. The room wasn't terribly crowded, though still lively and bustling. Oskar got both of them thick bowls of porridge and hot bread with butter, setting them down at a table by the window. "Here we go! Fresh food! Dig in, you'll want to build up your strength. I remember when I first took the ship to Sweden, that's where this liner is from, mind you. I was a little younger than you are now, and wouldn't you know it, we were attacked by a sea beast! Whales, my boy, legend has it they were once the most beautiful and gentle of creatures. But, unfortunately, they were taken by the Illness, and now whales are no more. And more terrible than giants, they can be! Nowhere to run from a colossal behemoths on the ocean, you see! And your flamethrowers wouldn't be much use either! No need to worry, though, this ship is strong and sturdy, and whales were rare before the Illness, or so it's said. At most, there are just smaller beasts, seals and whatnot, and they can't break through the hull. Walruses, on the other hand, don't get me started!" he laughed boisterously, digging into his food like there was no tomorrow. ---- [center][b]Keuruu[/b][/center] Suvi nodded as all the members of the team answered affirmatively, crossing her arms. "Good. Not that I'd expect anything less from you, this is Finland. Now, no one knows what you will encounter out there, but from what we have gathered, Beasts will be in decline the further east you go. What you will need to worry about are Trolls, since the location you are going to was once a major city. And you are not to fight them by yourself, you hear? That may be what you might have been taught in your settlements, but you won't have the resources to wait for backup or retreat. From now on, you all need to fight as one, and get along with your comrades. If you die, there won't be anyone to replace you, and all of you are vital to the mission." She sternly explained. To Arto's question, she chuckled, her demeanor changing. "Of course, the cleanser would ask that." she teased him, leaning back in her seat. "One of my colleagues, who used to be in the Swedish military, pulled some strings and managed to get us some weaponry and machinery. It's used, of course, perhaps a little outdated, it's from the last attempt by the Danes to reclaim their lost homeland, so, a little older than a decade or so. It should arrive in Saimaa in a few days, so worry not, we'll wait for your teammates to arrive before we go and get it, so be patient, Arto. It would arrive here sooner, but because to the size of this expedition, we needed a vehicle that could house you all, and the liners can't make it through the Keuruu-Pori waterway." she explained. "Any other questions? And please, make sure you all talk to each other, you have a few days to get to know one another, so you should seize the opportunity."