[quote=Enalais] We have all of those with the exception of jump in. (But i prefef making CS' anyways). yes they are not specifed but who cares. But if Iwaku is so great why'd you come back? If you came back to try to convince people, obviously your lonely over there. If you came over to troll or advertise then your still in the wrong. Either way your point is moot. [/quote] Come back? People arguing for or against who are still here never really left, for the most part, they just double up on both websites at their own leisure until they either sway in one direction . Don't get all mad because i pointed out that Iwaku isn't all smut/ pron site , nor is RPG. If someone said "Oh RPG smuts", i'd also tell them we have other stuff there. If you didn't want to see people discussing iwaku or wanting to stay out of illlegal trouble, why'd you come to this thread o_o?